Monday 8 July 2024



MONDAY JULY 08, 2024.


Memory verse: "But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.” (John 17 vs 13.)

READ: John 15 vs 5 - 11:

15:5: I am the vine, you are the branches: He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

15:6: If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.

15:7: If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

15:8: By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

15:9: As the Father has loved Me, I also have loved you: abide in My love.

15:10: If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide in His love.

15:11: These things have I spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.


Joy is intense gladness; rapture, delight, rejoicing. It is emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune; characterized by gladness or delight. It is a fruit of the Spirit. The secret of joy is God’s presence within you. As you contemplate His daily presence, you will find contentment. As we understand the future He has for us, we will experience joy. Don’t base your life on circumstances, but on God.

Joy is a common theme in Christ’s teachings—He wants us to be joyful. The key to immeasurable joy is living in intimate relationship with Christ, the source of all joy. When you do, you will experience God’s special care and protection and see the victory God brings even when defeat seems certain. The Christian life is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ in a man or a woman (Galatians 2 vs 20 and Colossians 3 vs 4). Christian joy is Christ’s joy in a Christian, and this means that this deep-down, abiding joy is not found anywhere else except in Him. There are other kinds of joy found in other places, but His joy is found in Him alone. 

In the passage we read today, notice the word “abide” (the same as “remain.”) in these verses – 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 & 11. By “abiding or remaining” in Him and His “abiding or remaining” in you means that His joy will always be in you. In Christ our joy is not an intermittent experience, but a permanent one. It is a joy which is unaffected by circumstances. These first followers of our Lord whom He was addressing in this passage, were to pass through many trials and testings, but He told them that nothing could rob them of their joy—His joy in them (see John 16 vs 22). True joy transcends the rolling waves of circumstance, and that joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. 

When our lives are intertwined with His, He will help us walk through adversity without sinking into debilitating lows and manage prosperity without moving into deceptive highs. The joy of living with Jesus Christ daily will keep us levelheaded, no matter how high or low our circumstances. Ultimate joy comes from Christ dwelling within us. Christ is near, and at His second coming we will fully realize this ultimate joy. He who lives within us will fulfill His purposes for us. 

We can only have the ultimate by having Him. When we read the Bible and receive the truth, we experience great joy as the result of fellowship with the Lord as He speaks to us. His joy was the joy of complete and continual submission to the will of His Father in Heaven. Joy results from knowing that one pleases his father by obedience to the father’s will. The joy that Jesus received by keeping the Father’s word would be transferred to the disciples if they would also keep the Will of the Father.

There is a great difference between joy and fullness of joy. The vessel may be partly filled or completely filled. Our Lord’s desire for us is that we should experience fullness of joy continually (Psalm 16 vs 11; John 17 vs 13, and First Peter 1 vs 8). It is a remarkable and a wonderful thing that true Christian joy is not only unaffected by adverse circumstances, but it is actually promoted by such trials and testings (James 1 vs 2).

His desire is that His joy should be complete in us. How can this be, for He is there in heaven and we are here on earth? The answer is by the Holy Spirit. Joy is the fruit of the Spirit. 

Prayer: Abba Father, the secret of joy in Christ is knowing that joy is available to me, and I can rejoice in Him at all times. Endue me with the spirit of joy and give me the grace to continually experience the fullness of joy in Christ through the indwelling Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


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