Tuesday 9 July 2024



TUESDAY JULY 09, 2024.


Memory verse: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1 vs 7.)

READ: Psalm 25 vs 12 - 14:

25:12: Who is the man that fears the LORD? Him shall He teach in the way that He chooses.

25:13: He himself shall dwell in prosperity, and his descendants shall inherit the earth.

25:14: The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him; and He will show them His covenant.


The fear of God is a controlling motive of life in matters spiritual and moral, not a mere fear of His power and righteous retribution, but a wholesome dread of displeasing Him. It is a fear which banishes the terror that shrinks from His presence and which influences the disposition and attitude of one whose circumstances are guided by trust in God, through the indwelling Spirit of God. The reverential fear of God will inspire a constant carefulness in dealing with others in His fear.

Fear of God is the healthy respect of a believer for the All-powerful God. Because God is the judge of all the earth, we dare not ignore Him or treat Him casually. We should not assume that our privileged status as God’s children gives us freedom to do whatever we want. We should not be spoiled children but grateful children who love to show respect for our heavenly Father. 

The fear of the Lord is to recognize God’s attributes: He is holy, almighty, pure, righteous, all-powerful, and all-wise. When we regard God correctly, we gain a clearer picture of ourselves: sinful, weak, frail, and needy. When we recognize who God is and who we are, we fall at His feet in humble respect. Only then will He show us how to choose His way.

The first step to wisdom is “fear of the Lord,” to honor and respect God, to live in awe of His power. It is to stand in awe of Him and have a relationship with Him. The only way to become truly wise is to fear (revere) God. Too often people want to skip this step, thinking they can become wise by life experience and academic knowledge alone. But if we do not acknowledge God as the source of wisdom, then the foundation for making wise decisions is shaky and we are prone to mistakes and foolish choices. 

“The fear of the Lord” is a key theme in the wisdom literature of the Bible (The Book of Job through Song of Solomon). It means to have respect and reverence for God and be in awe of His majesty and power. This is the starting point of finding real wisdom. King Solomon said, in Ecclesiastes 12 vs 13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.” We should remember that God created and owns all things, and He will review every person’s life to determine how he or she has responded to Him, and He will bring every deed into judgement.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom simply because one can never come to a knowledge of truth unless he recognizes the authority of the Word of God and is obedient to that Word. One can never understand the purpose for the existence of both the world and man without believing in and being obedient to God’s eternal purpose for the world. And the purpose for the existence of the world was to provide man with an environment wherein he could prepare himself for eternal dwelling.

Fear of God is the foundation upon which learning takes place. Recognition of the existence and authority of God in our lives is the foundation upon which all learning should take place. The fear leads to listening to God and obeying His commandments. Those who do not fear God will seek and respond to learning that will lead them away from God. As in ‘Psalms,’ the phrase “fear of the Lord” means obedience to His will. 

God offers intimate and lasting friendship to those who revere Him, who hold Him in highest honor. What relationship could ever compare with having the Lord of all creation for a friend? Your everlasting friendship with God will grow as you respect and honor Him. If one will reference God and submit to His will, then God will teach him His way. The obedient will then live in peace of mind. His posterity through his children will continue throughout generations. He will thus benefit from his covenant relationship with God, enjoying the benefits of a spiritual connection with God. He will ultimately be the friend of God. 

Prayer: Abba Father, I will reverence You all the days of my life. It is my utmost heart desire to obey Your commandments so as to enjoy the covenant relationship with You. Give me the grace, O Lord, for complete obedience to You in my journey in life, and that nothing will ever take away my entire focus on You, in Jesus' Name I have prayed, Amen.


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