Tuesday 2 July 2024



TUESDAY JULY 02, 2024.


Memory verse: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.” (Second Timothy 1 vs 7.)

READ:  Exodus 14 vs 10 - 14:

14:10: And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were very afraid: and the children of Israel cried out to the LORD.

14:11: Then they said to Moses, “Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you so dealt with us, to bring us up out of Egypt?

14:12: Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt, saying, “Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than we should die in the wilderness.

14:13: And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see them again no more forever.

14:14: The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”


Fear is the feeling of great worry or anxiety or apprehension about something caused by knowledge of danger. We often build up events in our minds and then panic over what might go wrong. Fear is the greatest weapon of the devil. Fear neutralizes our effectiveness for God. Several places in the Bible God has told us not to be afraid . The reason is that God does not ask us to go where He has not provided the means to help. When you follow God’s leading, trust Him to supply courage, confidence, and resources at the right moment.

Fear is a dark shadow that envelops us and ultimately imprisons us within ourselves. Everyone has been a prisoner of fear at one time or another—fear of rejection, misunderstanding, uncertainty, sickness, or even death. But we can conquer fear by trusting in the Lord, who brings salvation. If we want to dispel the darkness of fear, let us remember that the Lord is our light and our salvation.

Throughout the Bible we find this phrase “Do not fear!” God wasn’t trying to scare the people. He was showing His mighty power so the people would know He is the true God and would therefore obey Him. If they would do this, He would make His power available to them. God wants us to follow Him out of love rather than fear. To overcome fear, we must think more about His love. First John 4 vs 18 says, “Perfect love casts out fear.” 

When new situations or surroundings frighten you, recognize that experiencing fear is normal. The pressure of the situation can cause us to freeze and do nothing. To be paralyzed by fear, however, is an indication that you question God’s ability to take care of you. Fear can immobilize us. Don’t let the fear of what might happen cause you to miss an opportunity. One remedy for fear is found here: don’t focus on the fear; instead, get started. Getting started is often the most difficult and frightening part of a task. 

When we allow fear to rule us, we make fear more powerful than God. God is greater than all your fears. Recognizing why you are afraid is the first step in committing your fear to God. When you experience fear, don’t try to deal with it yourself, rather let Jesus deal with it. In times of fear and uncertainty, it is calming to know that Christ is always with you (Matthew 28 vs 20.) To recognize Christ’s presence is the antidote for fear.

We often face spiritual and emotional storms and feel tossed about like a small boat on a big lake. In spite of terrifying circumstances, we should trust our lives to Christ for His safekeeping. When you fear what lies ahead, remember that God will stay with you through difficult times and that He has promised you great blessings. He will give us peace in any storm. The power of the Holy Spirit can help us overcome our fear of what some might say or do to us so that we can continue to do God’s work.

In any struggle, fear can keep us from taking a stand for God and from participating in God’s victories. Face your fear head-on. Find other believers along the way who are worth standing beside through thick and thin. If you are grounded in God, victory will come when you hold that ground.

Have you ever felt surrounded by the “enemy” or faced overwhelming adds? God is never intimidated by the size of the enemy or the complexity of a problem. With Him, there are always enough resources to resist the pressures and win the battle. The way to bringing peace to a troubled heart is to focus on God’s promises. Trust Him to do what He says. Faith is a mind-set that expects God to act. When we act on that expectation, we can overcome our fears. When we follow God regardless of the difficulties, we demonstrate courageous overcoming faith. 

Fear of opposition or ridicule can weaken our witness for Christ. Often we cling to peace and comfort, even at the cost of our walk with God. We should fear only God who controls eternal, not merely temporal, circumstances. God is with us as we face our new challenges. We may not conquer nations, but every day we face tough situations, difficult people, and temptations. God promises, however, that He will never abandon us or fail to help us. By asking God to direct us we can conquer many life’s challenges.

Prayer: Abba Father, You are my light, my salvation, and the strength of my life, in You I live, and move, and have my being. Endue with the spirit of boldness and courage, that I may stand tall in Christ, being an active and effective witness of Jesus Christ. Give me the grace to finish strong in my journey of life in You, in Jesus' Name I have prayed, Amen.


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