Thursday 25 July 2024

Prayer for God's Mercy

 Today, we're praying for God's Mercy because this is only access

to connect to God.

Lamentations 3:22-23

It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness



1. Oh Lord! Grant me favour in your sight so that you will grant me all my request of. (mention your request). in Jesus name.

2. Oh Lord, let me receive favour in all area of my life in Jesus name.

3. Oh Lord, Let your unmerited favour prevail in every situations of my life in Jesus name.

4. I confess today that my redeemer lives and will cause His favour to shine on me in Jesus name.

5. Oh God of mercy! Have mercy on me today and let your mercy snatch me from those who seek my death in Jesus name.

6. Oh Lord, by your mercy silence every satanic voice speaking against me to destroy my life in Jesus name.

7. Oh Lord! Use everything around me to favour me in Jesus name Amen.

8. Oh Lord! I seek your face as the child seek the face of the parents. Show me your favour in every area of my life in Jesus name.

9. Oh Lord, I call on you in my distress today. Hear me and have mercy on me in Jesus name.

10. Lord, let my heart be filled with joy as you answer my prayers according to your mercy in Jesus name.

11. Oh Lord, i declare that your goodness and mercies shall never depart from me in Jesus name.

12. Oh Lord, intervene in this issue of my life. ( mention the issue). before I become a laughingstock before my enemies. Have mercy on me before my enemies see the signs of my frustration in Jesus name.

13. Oh Lord, I need help at this hour. Help me on this matter before it is too late in Jesus name.

14. Oh Lord, you are the God that raiseth the poor from the dust, the needy from the dung hill, show me your mercy Lord and intervene in this situation in Jesus name15). Oh Lord, as i serve you continually, let your mercy always overrule judgement in my life in Jesus name.

15. Oh God of mercy, arise and defend me from every false accusations of the enemy in Jesus name.

16. Oh Lord, the challenges of my life are overwhelming, they are so strong for me to handle show me your mercy and help me in Jesus name.

17. Oh Lord, have mercy upon me today. Do not let my enemies put me inside a pit in Jesus name.

18. Jesus Christ the son of David, have mercy on me and fight the battles of my life in Jesus name.

19. Oh Lord, have mercy on me and raise helpers for me at this period of my life in Jesus name.

20. Oh Lord, don’t let me be ashamed as I cry unto you over this matter, help me by your mercy and give me a testimony in Jesus name.

21. Oh Lord, open the door of mercy for me so that I will run inside before this problem swallow me in Jesus name.

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