Tuesday 16 July 2024



TUESDAY JULY 16, 2024.


Memory verse: "He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6 vs 8.)

READ: Psalm 15 vs 1 - 5:

15:1: LORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?

15:2:He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart;

15:3: He who does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbour, nor does he take up a reproach against his friend;

15:4: In whose eyes a vile person is despised; but he honors those who fear the LORD; He who swears to his own hurt, and does not change;

15:5: He who does not put out his money at usury, nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.


God calls His people to be morally upright, and, in this passage we read today, He gives us eleven standards or principles to determine how we are doing; (1) to walk uprightly (righteous behavior of life), (2) to work righteousness (do that which is good in response to faith), (3) to speak the truth (do not lie or speak hypocritically), (4) not to backbite (do not speak behind the back of someone in order to destroy his or her reputation), (5) not to do evil, (6) not to take up a reproach against a friend (do not slander a friend). (7) to despise a vile person (to be disgusted with those who do wickedly), (8) to honor those you fear the Lord (align with those who do good).

Others are (9) to swear to one’s own hurt (though it may be to his own detriment, he promises to do that which is right and fair to his neighbor), (10) do not put your money at usury (seeks to help his or her neighbor by lending money without interest, and thus does not take advantage of one’s neighbor when he or she has fallen into hard times). God is against charging interest or making a profit on loans to the needy among His people. Interest is permitted for business purposes, as long as it isn’t exorbitant (Proverbs 28 vs 8), and (11) do not take bribe (bribe blinds the discerning and perverts the words of the righteous). Being a dependable person, the one who lives according to the preceding principles will not be changed by the changing times. 

People have tried all kinds of ways to please God, but God has made His wishes clear. He wants His people to do what is just, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him. We live among evil people whose standards and morals are eroding. Our standards for living should not come from our evil society but from God. Therefore, in your efforts to please God, examine these aforestated standards or principles on a regular basis. 

Words are powerful, and how you use them reflects on your relationship with God. Perhaps nothing do identify Christians as their ability to control their speech—speaking the truth, refusing to slander, and keeping oaths (promises). We may be tempted to believe that some lies are relatively harmless, even useful at times. But God does not overlook lies, flattery, deception, or boasting. Each of these sins originates from a bad attitude that is eventually expressed in our speech. The tongue can be our greatest enemy because, though small, it can do great damage (James 3 vs 5 - 6).

God greatly values honesty! Dishonesty comes easily, especially when complete truthfulness could cost us something, makes us uncomfortable, or put us in an unfavorable light. Dishonest communication hinders relationships. Without honesty, a relationship with God is impossible. If we lie to others, we will begin to deceive ourselves. God cannot hear us or speak to us if we are building a wall of self-deception.

Making up or spreading false reports is strictly forbidden by God. Gossip, slander and false witnessing would undermine families, strain neighborhood cooperation, and make chaos of the justice system. Destructive gossip causes problems everywhere and anytime. Even if you do not initiate a lie, you become responsible if you pass it along. Don’t circulate rumors; squelch them. 

In the heat of emotion or personal turmoil it is easy to make foolish promises to God. These promises may sound very spiritual when we make them, but they may produce only guilt and frustration when we are forced to fulfill them. Making spiritual “deals” only brings disappointment. God does not want promises for the future, but obedience for today.

Sinners cannot live in the presence of a holy God, for He is like a fire that devours evil. Only those who walk uprightly and speak what is right can live with God. We demonstrate our righteousness and uprightness by rejecting gain from extortion and bribes, refuse to listen to plots of wrong actions, and shut our eyes to evil. If we are fair and honest in our relationships, we will dwell with God, and He will supply our needs. 

God wants changed lives. He wants His people to be fair, just, merciful, and humble. God wants us to become living sacrifices (Romans 12 vs 1 - 2); not just doing religious deeds, but living rightly. it is impossible to follow God consistently without His transforming love in our hearts. As we grow in our relationship with our Redeemer, we develop a desire to live by His standards. The depth of our eternal relationship with Him can often be measured by the way we reflect His standards in our daily activities.

Prayer: Abba Father, give me the grace to follow after the standards or principles of life approved by You; that I will walk uprightly, work righteousness, speak the truth, not slander, backbite, nor do evil, show mercy, despise the wicked, align with those who do good, do justice at all cost, not take bribe, and be helpful to others, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


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