Wednesday 21 August 2024





Memory verse: "”Behold, God is great, and we do not know Him; nor can the number of His years be discovered." (Job 36 vs 26.)

READ: Job 11 vs 7 - 9:

11:7: Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty?

11:8: They are higher than heaven—what can you do? Deeper than Shoel—what can you know?

11:9: Their measure is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.


One theme in the poetic literature of the Bible is that God is incomprehensible; we cannot know Him completely. We can have some knowledge about Him, for the Bible is full of details about who God is, how we can know Him, and how we can have an eternal relationship with Him. But we can never know enough to answer all of life’s questions, to predict our own future, or to manipulate God for our own ends. Life always creates more questions than we have answers, and we must constantly go to God for fresh insights into life’s dilemmas. 

God will never be known absolutely, but we can know things about Him that are absolutely true, so much so that we can be willing to live and die for those beliefs. God has provided knowledge of Himself that is personal, relational, and sufficient for fruitful, faithful, godly living. No one will ever be able to say he lacked the necessary revelation to know God and to start living as God intends.

Because God can never be fully known, those who seek to know God should be deeply humbled in the process, realizing that they will always have more to learn. The appropriate response to God is a heart of wonder and awe in light of His incomprehensible greatness.

God’s incomprehensibility also means that beliefs can be held with firm conviction even though they may be filled with inexplicable mysteries. God has given us a glimpse of the perfection of His creation. But it is only a glimpse, we cannot see into the future or comprehend everything. So we must trust God now and do His work on earth. 

The tremendous truth is that faith in God is more important than our desire to know the reason behind any predicament we find ourselves in. God is sovereign over all of nature and over our lives. God is in control—He directs, preserves, and maintains His created order. Although we can’t see it, God is divinely governing the moral and political affairs of people as well. By spending time observing the majestic and intricate parts of God’s creation, we can be reminded of His power in every aspect of our lives. 

The incomprehensibility of God is majorly due to: 1. God is infinite and His creatures are finite. By definition, creatures depend on their Creator for their very existence and are limited in all aspects. Yet God is without limitations in every quality he possesses. This Creator/creature, infinite/finite gap will always exist. 

2. The perfect unity of God’s attributes is far beyond the realm of human experience. God’s love, wrath, grace, justice, holiness, patience, and jealousy are continually functioning in a perfectly integrated yet infinitely complex way. 

3. The effects of sin on the minds of fallen humans also greatly inhibit the ability to know God. The tendency of fallen creatures is to distort, pervert, and confuse truth and to use, or rather abuse it for selfish ends rather than for God’s glory. 

4. A final reason God can never be fully known is that in His sovereign wisdom God has chosen not to reveal some things: “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29 vs 29). 

God is beyond the comprehension of man, and thus He is not the invention of man. God’s ways are unsearchable by man because He does not deal with man after the nature of the flesh. He does not deal with man after the nature by which man often deal unmercifully with one another in man-made religions. Only those who are frustrated in their efforts to understand God fully, or want God to behave as they so choose, seek to create false gods whom they can understand. 

In heaven, God’s incomprehensibility will no doubt be lessened when the effects of sin no longer ravage minds, and when He will most likely share some of His secrets. However, God will always be infinite and humans will always be finite, so He will always be beyond human ability to know exhaustively.

Prayer: Abba Father, You are beyond human comprehension, Your ways past finding out. One thing I know is that Your thoughts for me are of good, and not of evil. My absolute trust is in You. What You can’t do for me, let it remain undone. What You can’t give me, may I never have it. My faith is completely anchored in You, and may nothing take my attention off You, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


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