Sunday 18 August 2024





Memory verse: “He does not withdraw His eyes from the righteous; but they are on the throne with kings, for He has seated them forever, and they are exalted.” (Job 36 vs 7.)

READ: Psalm 37 vs 15, 17 , & 19:

37:15: The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.

37:17: The righteous cry out and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.

37:19: Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.


The righteous are those who are in right standing with God. They are those who have and occupy—or take up residence in—the kingdom of heaven. The Bible says that the righteous shine in the kingdom of their Father. Light and gladness shine on their path. They may have many afflictions, but God delivers them out of them all. 

The joy of the righteous is based on their recognition that God is working in their lives. Though they may fall on unfortunate times in their lives, they can rejoice while enduring trials because all things are working according to the plan of God.

The righteous have the mind of Christ. Their thoughts are right and pure. They keep a sober mind. They do not claim or trust in their own righteousness, but they live under the imputed righteousness of Christ. They are open to the correction of the Lord and His ministers. They receive wise counsel and apply it to their lives.

The righteous are immovable and unable to be uprooted out of their place in God. Their house will stand. Their children will be saved, blessed, and have plenty to eat. They will flourish and will not be overthrown by the enemy. They will not be led astray by discouragement, doubt, or depression. The righteous are sure that God will come and save them. 

The righteous are generous and merciful. They are concerned and care for the poor. They are active in areas of justice. They seek justice. They walk with integrity. Enduring riches and honor are with them. They are fruitful, and their labors lead to life. 

The righteous welcome godly association and wisdom. They know who is around them. They are careful with whom they let into their inner circle. God is “with the generation of the righteous.” Those who attack God’s followers may be attacking God. To attack God is utterly futile.

The righteous are upright, strong, and unmoved by the winds of circumstance. Because they place their faith firmly in God they can have this strength and vitality. The righteous are made strong through the justice of God, not only will they live long, but their capacity to bear fruit will continue into their old age. Those who have given their lives to the Lord throughout their lives will live to an old age being vigorous until the day they die. 

The Lord delivers the righteous from their numerous perils in life. Their deliverance, therefore, is a testimony of God’s presence and work in their lives. Simply because one is a child of God does not mean that he or she will escape hardships in this life. However, knowing that God will not allow His children to be tempted beyond what they are able to endure encourages them to remain true to their faith. 

The weapons of destruction that were aimed against the righteous will destroy those who sought to inflict pain on the righteous. At the end, the little that the righteous have will outlast the wealth of the wicked. This will come about because God supports the righteous, but works against the wicked. 

The Lord is the salvation of the righteous, their strength in times of trial, their help, and deliverance because they have put their trust in Him. If the righteous put their trust in the Lord, ignore the position and prosperity of the wicked, then they will gain contentment and the secret to a happy life. True happiness does not follow wealth, but is discovered in the spirit of one who does not allow the environment in which he lives to determine his attitude or character. 

Prayer: Abba Father, thank You for making us right with You in Christ, and the abounding fruits of righteousness available to us. Give me the grace to remain ever faithful to You, O Lord, and that nothing can inhibit Your grace in my life, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


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