Tuesday 13 August 2024

Character – Existence With Positive Conviction

 TOPIC: Character – Existence With Positive Conviction 

SCRIPTURE: And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men. Acts 24:16.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: People who lack character like Esau gain things that are temporal and lose things that are permanent.

Seeds Of Destiny For Today 2023 MESSAGE:

It has been established that character is one essential ingredient of life and destiny. Your destiny is at the mercy of your character. To live right is to go up in life.

Now, what is character?

Character is existence with positive conviction, not for consensus.

People of positive character have positive conviction; they don’t live by consensus. Character is living for positive purpose, and not for pleasure.

Character is purposeful existence, and not pleasurable living. It is existence that is purpose-driven, and not pleasure-driven.

There are people whose lives are driven by pleasure. So, they can do anything as far as it makes them happy. Character is living not just for the immediate, but for the ultimate. There are those who live with only today in mind. But people of character live with tomorrow in mind.

Also Read: Open Heaven 13 August 2024 – Ask In His Name

People of character don’t go for temporary gain and end in permanent loss. People who lack character like Esau gain things that are temporal, and lose things that are permanent.

A man of character will sacrifice today’s gain for tomorrow’s profit, he knows what it means to delay gratification.

Character means living thoughtfully instead of thoughtlessly. People of character are thoughtful while people without character are thoughtless. To live with character is to live thoughtfully; you weigh your options and embark on the most profitable course of action.

Beloved, are you a person of quality and positive character?

My counsel is, do not live for temporal gains like Esau? Make up your mind to avoid anything that will affect your character and destiny negatively.

Remember this: People who lack character like Esau gain things that are temporal, and lose things that are permanent.


Make up your mind to be a person of quality and positive character.

Avoid the temptation of living without integrity.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You make me a person of quality conviction. I receive the grace to live right Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

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