Saturday 1 June 2024



SUNDAY JUNE 02, 2024.


Memory verse: "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask from God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." (James 1 vs 5.)

READ: Psalm 119 vs 97 - 104:

119:97: Oh, how I love Your law! it is my meditation all the day.

119:98: You through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; for they are ever with me.

11:9:99: I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation.

119:100: I understand more than the ancients, because I keep Your precepts.

119:101: I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep Your word.

119:102: I have not departed from Your judgments, for You Yourself have taught me.

129:103: How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

119:104: Through your precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.


Wisdom is simply defined as the ability to discern right from wrong. It is the ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight. Wisdom is the ability to see life from God’s perspective and then to know the best course of action to take. Most people would agree that wisdom is a valuable asset, but how can we acquire it? Proverbs 9 vs 10 teaches that the fear (respect and honor) of the Lord  is the beginning of wisdom. 

The wisdom that we need is not only gotten by acquiring knowledge, that is, it’s not just sensual. But we need both knowledge—an understanding heart (the ability to discern what is best in every circumstances), and the strength of character to act upon that knowledge. Therefore, wisdom is the ability to make good decisions based on proper discernment and judgement, and applying such decisions to the peculiar circumstances confronting you. Knowledge refers to the practical know-how necessary for handling everyday matters. Wisdom therefore, is applied knowledge. 

However, this required wisdom comes from God, and the first step to such wisdom is the “fear of God,” to honor and respect God, to live in awe of His power. Therefore, we need the ability to see life from God’s point of view, and to know the best course of action to take. This ability can only be given to us by God, and He gives it liberally and without reproach when you ask. Faith in God should be the foundation for your understanding of the world, your attitudes, and your actions. You can’t be wiser than the Creator and Owner of the world itself. We should ask God to give us the wisdom to know what to do and the courage to follow through on it. Wisdom is both the ability to discern what is best and the strength of character to act upon the knowledge. 

The wisdom that we need has three distinct characteristics: (1) It is practical: The wisdom from God relates to life even during the most trying times. It is the ability to make good decisions based on proper discernment and judgement, and applying such decisions to the peculiar circumstances confronting you. It is applied to all facets and circumstances of life, even in suffering and trials. For instance, an intelligent person may have profound ideas, but a wise person puts profound ideas into action. Intelligence will allow someone to describe several reasons why the car broke down, the wise person chooses the most likely reason and proceeds to take actions. 

(2) It is divine. God’s wisdom goes beyond common sense. Common sense will let us sorrow in the midst of troubles or trials, but divine wisdom leads us to choose joy in the middle of trials, and giving thanks to God in negative circumstances. This wisdom begins with respect for God, leads to living by God’s direction, understanding that God is Supreme and controls all things, including the negative circumstances confronting us, and results in the ability to tell right from wrong. Such wisdom leads us to do good to those who hate, or don’t wish you well. This wisdom is the tool by which trials are overcome. 

(3) It is Christlike. Asking for wisdom is ultimately asking to be like Christ. The Bible identifies Christ as the “wisdom of God.” Knowing Christ personally is the greatest wisdom anybody can have. Christians don’t have to grope around in the dark, hoping to stumble upon answers. We can ask for God’s wisdom to guide our choices. We seek the wisdom of being lead by the Hoy Spirit in every area of our lives. We should never trust on our intellect or speaking ability, but on the knowledge of God. 

Wisdom is both God-given gift and the fruit of an energetic search—the pathway to wisdom is strenuous. Wisdom’s starting point is God and His revealed Word—the source of knowledge and understanding. Therefore, we must trust and honor God, and also, realize that the Bible reveals God’s wisdom to us. This gift of God is given only to those who earnestly seek it. With God is true wisdom—Divine wisdom, and we cannot create it by our own efforts. And because God’s wisdom is hidden from the rebellious and foolish, it takes effort to find it and use it.

True wisdom can be measured by a person’s character. Just as you can identify a tree by the type of fruit it produces, you can evaluate your wisdom by the way you act. Foolishness leads to disorder, but wisdom leads to peace and goodness. Are you tempted to escalate the conflict, pass on the gossip, or fan the fire of discord? Careful, winsome speech and wise, loving words are the seeds of peace. God loves peacemakers (Matthew 5 vs 9.)

Prayer: Abba Father, You give liberally wisdom when asked and without reproach, bestow on me wisdom from above that I may see life from Your perspective, and I will know the best course of action to take in all circumstances, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


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