Tuesday 25 June 2024



TUESDAY JUNE 25, 2024.


Memory verse: "God is wise in heart and mighty in strength. Who has hardened himself against Him and prospered?" (Job 9 vs 4.)

READ: Psalm 95 vs 6 - 11:

95:6: Oh come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.

95:7: For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. Today if you will hear His voice,

95:8: do not harden your heart, as in the rebellion, and as in the day of trial in the wilderness:

959: When your fathers tested Me, they tried Me, though they saw My work.

95:10: For forty years I was grieved with that generation, and said, ‘It is a people who go astray in their hearts, and they do not know My ways,’

95:11: So I swore in My wrath, they shall not enter My rest.


The hardening of heart is a dulled spiritual perception. It’s refusing the Word of God—unwilling to keep HIs commands. Even Christians can be hard-hearted to Jesus’ words. We can be informed about what His Word says, and we can be amazed at how He has worked in other people’s lives, but we can refuse to believe He will come to our aid in our time of trouble. Such a reaction is not unbelief, but willful, hard-hearted rejection of Christ’s ability to help. 

Our hearts turn away from the living God when we stubbornly refuse to believe Him. If we persist in our unbelief, God will eventually leave us alone in our sin. To prevent having an unbelieving heart, stay in fellowship with other believers, talk daily about your usual mutual faith, be aware of the deceitfulness of sin (it attracts but also destroys), and encourage each other with love and concern. But our God is so merciful, He can give us new hearts, new desires, and new spirits (Ezekiel 36 vs 22 - 27). 

Spiritual hardening begins with self-sufficiency, security in one’s self, and self-satisfaction. The real danger is that at some point, repeated resistance to God will yield an actual inability to respond, which the Bible describes as a hardened heart. Insensitivity indicates advanced hardening.

A hardened heart is as useless as a hardened bread. Nothing can restore it or make it useful. The writer of Psalm 95 warns against hardening our hearts as Israel did in the wilderness by continuing to resist God’s Will (Exodus 17 vs 7; Numbers 13; 14; 20) The people were so convinced that God couldn’t deliver them that they simply lost their faith in Him. People with hardened hearts are so stubbornly set in their ways that they cannot turn to God. 

The hardening of heart does not happen suddenly or all at once; it is the result of a series of choices to disregard God’s Will; constant stubbornness to God’s Will. The danger here is that those who resist God long enough, will be tossed aside by Him like hardened bread; useless and worthless.

God may harden further the hardened heart to confirm their own choices. That doesn’t mean that God is intentionally preventing them from believing in Him, rather it’s allowing them their own choice, and wallow in their permissible will. After a lifetime of resisting God, such people had become so set in their ways that they wouldn’t even try to understand Jesus’ message. For such people, it is virtually impossible to come to God—their hearts have been permanently hardened. 

The prophet Jeremiah tells such people to break up the hardness of their hearts as a plow breaks up unplowed ground—soil that has not been tilled for a season. When the heart becomes hardened to God’s Will, the entrance of God’s Word becomes very difficult. Unless the heart is broken and cleaned up, the good seed of God’s Word can’t take root. We must remove our heart-hardening sin if we expect God’s Word to take root and grow in our lives. Old habits and hidden sins had to be uprooted and rejected.

Hardened heart keeps us from God’s ultimate blessings; “entering His rest.” The hardened heart is an ungrateful heart, not worshipping or submitting to God, always trying God’s patience because of stubborn doubt. It’s very sinful and rebellious to God to harden our hearts. Instead we should reject the glamour of sin and anything else that would lead us away from God.

Here are some warning signs of a hardened heart: (1) Willful disobedience (see Exodus 4 vs 21), (2) Having wealth and prosperity that leads to taking God’s blessings for granted, and cause us to feel as if they were owed to us (see Deuteronomy 8 vs 6 - 14), (3) Rebelling and being discontented due to suffering or discomfort that creates an attitude that blames God (see Psalm 95 vs 8), (4) Rejecting a deserved rebuke (Proverbs 29 vs 1), (5) Refusing to listen which leads to a loss of spiritual hearing. (Zechariah 7 vs 11 - 13). (6) Failing to respond—listening to God with no intention of obeying produces an inability to obey (Matthew 13 vs 11 - 15).

Prayer: Abba Father, endue me with the spirit of obedience and absolute trust in You, for I know that Your thought for me is of good and not of evil, always thinking of the best for me which I may not know. By You all things consist, and may I never lean on my own understanding, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


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