Saturday, 9 January 2021





Memory verse: "Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel," (Philippians 1 vs 27.)

READ: Philippians 1 vs 12 - 14:
1:12: But I want you to know brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel,
1:13: so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ;
1:14: and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

Let the conduct of your life communicate your faith as a Christian, showing others the strength of your commitment to serving God, and living for Him. God has chosen us to be Christ’s representatives on earth. Therefore, we should live our lives worthy of the calling we have received—the awesome privilege of being called Christ’s very own. People are watching your life. Can they see Christ in you? How well are you doing as His representative?

The communication of your life should reflect your faith, and growth stage in life. For instance, If you are a parent, and a Christian, part of your mission is to raise your children to know Christ, to help them understand His purposes for their lives, and to send them out on their mission in the world. You may take a cue from Joshua who said, "As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24 vs 15.) 

It is obvious that our lives must support and validate the message we communicate. Before most unbelievers will accept the Bible as credible they want to know that the Christians are credible. This is why the Bible, in our memory verse, says, "Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ...." Be sure that you live in a way that brings honor to the Christ and His Good News. It is not enough to hear or read the Word of God or even know it well. We must put it into practice. 

How easy it is to listen to a sermon and forget what the preacher said. How easy it is to read the Bible and not think about how to live differently. How easy it is to debate what a passage means and not live out that meaning. Exposure to God's Word is not enough, it must lead to obedience. It is your obedience to the Word that the unbelievers look out for before accepting your message of the Good News.

The apostle Paul was in prison in Rome when he wrote his epistles to the churches in various locations. For many people, being imprisoned would cause them to be bitter, discouraged, and give up, but Paul saw it as one more opportunity to spread the Good News of Christ. Even in prison, he was fearlessly speaking for Christ. He became an encouragement to many Christian then who were afraid of persecution.

For Christians today, we may not be in prison, but we still face many circumstances that can lead to discouragement—times of indecision, financial burdens, loss of our jobs, various forms of hardships, family conflicts, church conflict etc. How our acts in such situations will reflect what we believe, and communicate to others, especially the unbelievers. We should become an encouragement by the way we live. When we live faithfully for Him during difficult situations, we encourage others to do same.

We should live in such a way that we are a credit to the Message of Christ. The apostle Paul’s life has always communicated exceeding faith in Christ to many. His utmost desire is for Christ to be magnified in his body, whether by life or death. He summarized his faith by saying, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1 vs 21.) Whether he lived or died, he wanted Christ exalted in his conducts. 

To those who don’t believe in God, life on earth is all there is, and so it is natural for them to strive for this world’s values: money, popularity, power, pleasure, and prestige. For the apostle Paul, however, to live meant to develop eternal values and to tell others about Christ. His purpose in life was to speak out boldly for Christ and to become like Him. And this should be the core of believers’ conduct.

Prayer: Abba Father, let my words and actions be the exact expression of my faith in Christ, and the selling point to unbelievers. Give me the grace to live in accordance with this desire of exhibiting at all times absolute obedience and trust in You, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.

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