Sunday, 17 January 2021


 Is Your Faith Alone? 

“Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” James 2:17 (KJV)

The Holy Scriptures give a good definition of faith: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is therefore a substance and evidence. A substance is something that can be seen and touched; evidence is something that can be seen and attested to. Therefore, if your faith as a child of God does not have a scriptural backing, it is dead. In addition, if your faith cannot be touched with your heart it is dead. Moreover, faith deals with the present and must be fueled with the declaration from God’s Word daily. Faith must not exist or abide alone; if it abides alone it becomes dead or unfruitful. Dear beloved, what are you believing God for? Do you have the faith for it? Does the Word of God or Holy Scriptures back your faith? If the Word of God backs it, then be patient and your faith will be rewarded. David backed his faith with the Word of God and acted on it to defeat Goliath (1 Samuel 17:45–50). King Saul and all Israel were afraid of Goliath, so they couldn’t gather the courage to fight him (1 Samuel 17:11). Fear, doubt, and worry are arrows that the enemy uses to neutralize our faith (Mark 11:22–24). However, if we sense them, cast them out, and act on God’s Word we are equipped with boldness to press on till our faith is rewarded. Beloved, God is a rewarder of our faith, so let us keep our faith alive by declaring His Word as many times as possible, to stir it up till it is finally rewarded. Hallelujah! Glory to God!

Prayer Point: My dear heavenly Father, thank You for stirring my faith. As I search the Holy Scriptures, please lead me to find scriptures to back my faith and keep declaring them and act on them to receive the manifestation of my faith in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Were you blessed by today's message? Kindly go to the comment section and share your comments, and testimonies. Let's also know your challenges so that we can pray for you. 

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