Saturday, 16 January 2021


 God Is Still in the Creation Business! 

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalms 51:10 (KJV)

Knowing that God is still in the creation business puts an end to all anxiety. The Psalmist came to a point in his life where he needed a clean heart to be created for him. Why was he asking for a new heart? He had committed a grievous sin and the only way to be restored was to have a new heart to fellowship with God again. He saw God as the creator of all things and could still create a new heart for him. Hallelujah! In the New Testament, Jesus Christ introduced a new revelation to mankind: the born again doctrine, where a person’s heart or spirit is created anew after accepting Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Personal Savior (John 3:3). Therefore, the prayer of the Psalmist in the opening Scripture was totally or fully fulfilled in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Praise the Lord! God is still in the creation business. Beloved, what do you need as a child of God? If God is capable of making you born again, and you become a new creation, then He is capable of creating something which is not already in existence for you (2 Corinthians 5:17). Therefore, cheer up Beloved, and worship God with all your heart, soul, and might. Ask what you want according to His Word and He will create it for you even if it is not yet in existence. He knows how to give good gifts to His children, so be patient with Him and always find a good reason to rejoice in the life He has given you. Live a life of purpose and He will supply. Hallelujah! Be an overcomer!

Prayer Point: Gracious Father, I’m so happy to hear that You are still in the creation business. I have made up my mind to live a life of purpose. I’m also patiently waiting for the supply of all my needs according to Your riches in Christ Jesus. I receive them by faith, and I know they will manifest in due time in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Were you blessed by today's message? Kindly go to the comment section and share your comments, and testimonies. Let's also know your challenges so that we can pray for you.

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