Saturday, 13 March 2021





Memory verse:  "Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” (Ephesians 6 vs 10.) 

READ:  Acts 20 vs 32:

20:32: So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. 


God is the custodian and source of all powers, peace and victory. And it is in fellowshipping with God, that is, the things we do in fellowship with God, that plugs us into the source of His power. If there is anything the devil tries to do, is to keep people out of fellowship with the Lord. Satan knows that once you are connected to the source of divine power, it is finished for Him.

Fellowship with the Lord is what ensures a victorious and peaceful Christian life. It is noteworthy that your salvation (which is a gift from God) is not based on your fellowship, rather it is based on the blood of Jesus, shed on the cross for our sins, and your believe in what He wrought for us in redemption, and confession of Christ Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. But without fellowship with Him, you will struggle the entire time you are here on this earth as a Christian, even though you will be saved because your name is in the Book of life.

Do you know what happens when you are in fellowship with God—spending quality time with Him? You become a custodian of His grace—the power of God to help you meet your needs and solve your problems. You begin to act like David when he faced the giant Goliath. You begin to take a stand and demand of the enemy, "Who do you think you are to defy the army of the living God?" (First Samuel 17 vs 26.) 

As soldiers of the Cross, you and I are not supposed to be afraid of our enemy—the devil. Instead, we are to ..”be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might—His grace.” When the spirit of fear comes along, rather than shaking like a leaf, we are to be bold as a lion, and remind the devil that "God has not given us the spirit if fear but of power, love and a sound mind" (Second Timothy 1 vs 7).

The devil comes against those who are doing damage to his kingdom, those who are doing something for God as His ambassadors. How then do we withstand the devil? By girding on the full armor of God, taking the shield of faith, by which we can quench his fiery darts, and by wielding the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. (Ephesians 6 vs 13 - 17.) But all of that armor and all of those weapons come from spending time in fellowship with the Lord.

Being strong in the Lord, in my considered opinion, is being strong in fellowship with God. And it’s only after being strengthened in fellowship that you can properly wear the whole armor of God. The necessary, and needed knowledge of the whole armor can only be acquired in fellowship with the Owner of the armor—God Himself!

Being in fellowship with the Lord does not mean that you will be in a room with God all the time. If you will give twenty or thirty minutes of sleep in the morning in order to get up early and seek His face, God will honor that sacrifice. It you are willing to turn off the television for thirty minutes in the evening and spend some time in fellowship with the Lord, you will be richly rewarded. 

However, God is a Loving Father, He will not require more of you than what you are able to give Him. He is not an ogre who is out to make you miserable. He just knows what you need in order to have that abundant, enjoyable, victorious life. He also knows that it doesn't come from methods, but from Him?

When you fellowship with the Lord, you learn to quickly follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. However, you should come apart with the Lord (fellowship with the Lord) privately before you come apart publicly. Spend time with God so you can remain stable as you deal with the daily affairs of life.

Prayer: Abba Father, You are my all in all. I thirst to be in Your presence at all times. Give me the grace and enablement of being in fellowship with You at all times, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


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