Sunday, 7 March 2021



SUNDAY MARCH 07, 2021.


Memory verse:  "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—“ (John 14 vs 16.) 

READ:  John 14 vs 26:

14:26: But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you." (Amplified Version)


Prior to the revelation to me of the ministry of the Holy Spirit as our Helper, I had never thought of the Holy Spirit as my personal Helper. I really needed a lot of help in my life, but I was not asking for it ignorantly. I thought I can do certain things for myself and by my strength, knowledge, intelligence, and determination. I would not humble myself to ask for help from God, especially in simple, everyday occurrences. I thought believers could only call upon God for His help when they got into situation that was far over our head. I thought our heavenly Father was only interested in getting involved in our lives when we faced huge, desperate problems that would fit into His divine category as the Mighty God. Consequently, I only asked for His help in such situations.

I cannot quantify what it did to my life and my personal relationship with the Lord when I began to discover and understand that God is interested in and concerned about every little, minute detail of my life. I can't describe what a shock it was for me to learn that He wanted to help me with everything in my life, and that every time I got frustrated, it was because I was not asking for His help. Success eluded me most often because I wanted to do things for myself and take the glory, instead of asking from the Lord for help, to whom belongs all the glory, honor and adoration.

We all know that at times there will be Intercessors praying for us and asking the Lord to intervene on our situation because we aren't able or don't know enough to ask for ourselves. But there comes a time when we have to take responsibility for our own life. You may ask why doesn't God just help us when He sees we need it? Because God created us as free moral beings and allowed us to make choices. What we don’t ask from Him, He will not do for or to us. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman; He will not interfere in our personal business without an invitation. He does not knock down our door; instead, He waits to be asked to come in and take charge.

When we are ignorant, or proud to ask the Helper, we are playing right into the hands of the devil. Satan dearly loves that kind of thing. The enemy is thrilled to find a Christian who is too stubborn and egotistical to ask the Lord to get involved and help the person. You may have heard the story of renowned late man of God, Kenneth E. Hargin, during one of the visitations of Jesus Christ he experienced during his lifetime. Jesus was with Him in a room when the devil came to him, attacked him and held him down and pressing down hard. He struggled with the devil until he was able to rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus, and the devil flee. When he got up, he asked Jesus why He couldn’t help him against the devil. Jesus simply asked him, “Did you request for my help?”

It doesn't make any difference how much faith we confess, and how much we have believed, if we don't ask we don't receive. Sometimes we have come to the place in our life where we realize that unless the Lord gets personally involved in our situation, nothing is going to happen. Some of us may have to hit rock bottom before giving up their pride and anger and stubbornness to ask the Lord to get involved in their life.

Prayer: Abba Father, it is obvious that by my strength I cannot prevail in life circumstances that confront me daily. But by Your strengthening me I can do all things. I surrender everything in my life to the leading of the Holy Spirit—my Helper, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


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