Tuesday, 9 March 2021


 How to Have Unfailing Strength! 

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

There is a natural strength and a spiritual strength. Natural strength has a limitation and can fail you when you need it the most. The opening Scripture is laying emphasis on spiritual strength. Beloved, do you want to run and not grow tired or walk and not faint? If your answer is yes, then you need to wait upon God. Waiting is a period when you separate yourself from anything that will disrupt your attention from God. Waiting involves devotion to the Word, speaking in tongues, fasting, and worshipping God in psalms (Acts 2:1–4, Acts 13:2). You do this to get specific answers to your situation. As you continue in it, God gives you the answers and fills you with His anointing to soar like the eagles. Beloved, remember that Jesus Christ waited on God for forty days and forty nights, praying and fasting before starting His ministry (Matthew 4:1–11). It was during this period that He was given the opportunity to be tempted by the devil, and He overcame all His temptation. Waiting has many benefits, and we can see them in the account of Jesus Christ’s ministry (Matthew 4:23–25). Beloved, wait on God and it will amaze you, the exploits that God will do through you. Praise the Lord! Be an overcomer!

Prayer Point: My gracious Father, I’m elated by Your Word about waiting. Please lead me to set a period of time aside to wait on You so that I can soar like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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