Friday, 14 February 2020





Memory verse: 
"And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement."
 (John 16 vs 8.)

John 16 vs 7 - 11
16:7: Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.
16:8: And when He has come, He convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement.
16:9: Of sin, because they do not believe in Me;
16:10: Of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more;
16:11: Of judgement, because the ruler of this world is judged.

What is conviction? It's to prove guilty; to pronounce guilty; a person found guilty of 
crime or sin. It's usually convincing or persuading by evidence to satisfy as to truth or error. 
Conviction is a veritable tool employed by the Holy Spirit for our betterment. Conviction is meant to convince us of sin, lift us out of it, and to help us move higher in God's will and plan for our lives. He convinces us to repent, which means to turn and go in the right direction rather than the wrong one in which we are currently going. 
How wonderful it is to have close fellowship with the Holy Spirit, to have Him in our lives to let us know when we are going the wrong way.

When we are convicted by the Holy Spirit, it is God speaking to us because He wants to help us in some area. He is not condemning us, but He's trying to let us know that He wants us to live a better and healthy life. The Holy Spirit works to enlighten our awareness of what we are doing wrong that leads to death, and what we need to do to enjoy the abundant life. When He speaks to our conscience about changes that are needed, we should pray right then, asking God to deliver us and bring about those changes through our faith in Jesus.

When Holy Spirit reveals to you an issue that needs to be dealt with in your life, you can trust that the anointing is also present to break the yoke of bondage over you. If you put off confronting the behavior until you want to deal with it, you may have to face change without the anointing, which is very difficult. When God convicts, He also anoints, so that is the best time to yield to His help in changing. We often wants to do things in our own timing, and we struggle and struggle because we're not asking for God's help. 

Holy Spirit reveals the result of sin and the result of righteousness so that people can see life and death set before them and call on God to help them choose life. People who has chosen the life of sin have wretched, and miserable lives, which makes them look ugly and older than their age. The rough, rugged lifestyle they have chosen has taken a toll on them. 

The power of God can make us look better and keep us feeling younger, because we are not living the hard life of sin. This power of God is at work in the world today demonstrating the results of sin and the results of righteousness. The line between the two is becoming vividly distinct. It is no longer difficult to tell who belongs to God and who doesn't. The world that we live in is full of gross darkness (Isaiah 9 vs 2). But God gave Jesus "for a light to the nations" (Isaiah 42 vs 6). His light is visible in the faces of true believers.

It is healthy and normal to feel guilty when we are initially convicted of sin; but to keep the guilty feeling after we have repented of the sin is not healthy, nor is it God's will. Conviction from the Lord never fills us with condemning shame. Shame fills us with a painful sense of disgrace and humiliating regret, often for something that we couldn't help. 

When God works in people's lives, He condemns the sin, but He never condemns the sinner, rather He gives mercy to the sinner, so we never need to be afraid to let God show us what we are doing wrong. The Holy Spirit lives in us, and can't get much closer to us than that. He doesn't come just to take up space, or because He has nowhere else to stay or go. The Holy Spirit lives in us because He has a job to do, which is to help (empower, encourage, advocate, strengthen, counsel, teach, comfort, intercede) and lead us to God's plan for our lives.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit. I surrender to His leading. I pray that nothing will break my fellowship with Him, in Jesus' Name. Amen.


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