Friday, 7 February 2020

Life's Punchlines... (Volume 3).
❤🇳🇬🇳🇬 Year 2020🇳🇬🇳🇬❤.

Preacher: Priest Godsknight O.J

Topic: A Champion's Exploits (1).

Text: 1 Cor 9v19" For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more."

I owe Jesus all the gratitude available in Heaven and on Earth, for giving me a chance to swing the Sword for a family so vast like the Sand of the Sea, in His unshakable kingdom ( Heb 12v28).

The devil 😈 has stopped being fantastic in many lives ever since I assume this God-ordained Noble Office, expect more exploits in Jesus Name ( Is 61v1-7).

A Champion's exploit is easy, but, you must have fought a major war & emerged victorious to offer it (Rev 12v11). It's exploits from a champion, against other champions ( 1 Sam 17v 45-51).

Focus on victory for everyone whether they're on battle ground with you or not, champions are sacrificial lambs. Jesus is a good defence attorney (Exo 14v14), but you also must be a reliable battle Axe (Amos 3v3).

We're in a time to build the mindset of divine soldiers, regarding God's package for them on Earth. It's no time to scamper like brood of chicken under threat from hungry dogs 🐕.

Firstly, uniformity among brethren is sacrosanct. The devil's religion called "Rebellion" couldn't stand in heaven (Rev 12v7-8), because the body of Christ in heaven wasn't divided ( Eph 2v14).

Let's not rest on our oars, we've been challenged & must give good account of heaven's battle standard here. It starts from the place of prayers (Eph 6v18), & voluntary services to humanity (1 Cor 9v20-23 ).

Victory doesn't come by accident, necessary dues must be paid to ensure it. The devil 😈 is afraid of our armies 🎼🥁🎹🎷👨🏾‍✈👩🏻‍✈👮‍♀👮‍♂👨🏼‍⚖👩🏼‍⚖(2 Chro 20v20-30), we mustn't return the favour (Rom 8v15).

They're bent on waisting lives, we're bent on saving them (Jn 10v10). Jesus' Will shall stand, come what may (Ps 46v10).

God bless you🤝.
Instagram: @PriestGodsknight.

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