Friday, 21 February 2020

Life's Punchlines... (Volume 3).
❤🇳🇬🇳🇬 Year 2020🇳🇬🇳🇬❤.

Preacher: Priest Godsknight O.J

Topic: The First Prophet (1).

Text: Num 14v28 " Say to them, 'As I live ', says the LORD, 'just as you have spoken in my hearing, so I will do to you."

The words we speak are Spirit and Life, we must invest them like true gods. Every life needs a first prophet, even Jesus needed a first prophet (Is 9v6-7, Is 61v1-11 ).

Words are powerful, proverbs 18v21 described them as "Life and Death" on the tongue. God is "The Word" (John 1v1-5), hence, Our words must always be seasoned with grace (Ps 19v14).

You're the first prophet over your life. However, when you as the first prophet is powerless or clueless, other prophets will take over your office ( 1 Kings 13v11-30).

As God's Oracles (Jer 1v5), we must always speak a word in season into any situation we're going through, exercise your authority today (Is 55v11).

The office of the first prophet is very important, it's an office that represents God on any matter. When a child is born, the first few words spoken into his or her life stays relevant till that child can speak for himself or herself.

Rachel was dying, so she called her child "Ben- Oni", meaning "Son of sorrow ". Jacob understood it, & immediately corrected it as "Benjamin", meaning "Son of the Right Hand" ( Gen 35v16-18).

You don't need a "Dying First Prophet", else you'll get a "Dying Great Destiny". Whether we humans like it or not, we'll always need a First Prophet. The words of your First Prophet will sustain you, till you're fit to exercise that office yourself.

A daughter of Israel was shot an arrow, which led to a fatal accident. God told me about it, & asked me to pray for her. I visited her at the hospital, prayed that Jesus should heal her without a scar & Jesus answered (Eccl 8v4). I decree health to your body, you shall break even in your righteous endeavors in Jesus Name.

God bless you🤝.
Instagram: @PriestGodsknight.

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