Tuesday, 20 July 2021



TUESDAY JULY 20, 2021.


Memory verse: "Of His own Will He brought us forth by the Word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures." (James 1 vs 18.) 

READ: First Peter 1 vs 23 - 25: 

1:23: Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and forever,

1:24: because “All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, 

1:25: but the word of the Lord endures forever.” Now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you.


No one would ever have been redeemed by one’s own efforts. You could never have gotten in there by your own efforts. You had to be born of the Holy Spirit (John 3 vs 5). You have to be recreated through the energy of the Word; for He says, "Of His own Will have we been begotten through the Word." (James 1 vs 18 and First Peter 1 vs 23). It is not of man. It is not of the Will of the flesh, it is of the Will of our own heavenly Father. (John 1 vs 13.) It is through the Father's Word. It is by the energy of the Holy Spirit that Eternal Life has been given to us, and we have become New Creations. 

The new creation in Christ—the confession and believe in our Messiah, Jesus Christ—is based upon legal grounds. You have come into the Father's family because you responded to His call. You have received the Word—Jesus Christ, who was God, and with God in the beginning (John 1 vs 1 - 2). You have received Him, and believed in His name, and He has given you the legal right to become His child (John 1 vs 12).

What Jesus taught—His Word, and what He did—His works are tied inseparably to who He is. Although Jesus took upon Himself full humanity and lived as a man, He never ceased to be the eternal God who has always existed, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, and the source of eternal life. This is the truth about Jesus and the foundation of all truth. 

The Scripture in Psalm 33 vs 6 says that the Word is agent of creation, and the source of God’s message to His people through the prophets (Hosea 4 vs 1), and also God’s Law, His standard of holiness (Psalm 119 vs 11). This same Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1 vs 14). 

All who welcome Jesus—the Word—as Lord of their lives are reborn spiritually, receiving new life from God. Through faith in Him, this new birth changes us from the inside out—rearranging our attitudes, desires, and motives. Being born makes you physically alive and places you in your parents’ family. Being born of God makes you spiritually alive and puts you in God’s family (John 1 vs 12). 

The passage we read today was a quotation by the apostle Peter from the Book of Isaiah 40 vs 6 - 8. He reminded us that everything in this life—possessions, accomplishments, people—will eventually fade away and disappear. Only God’s will, Word, and work are permanent. Therefore, we must stop grasping the temporary, and begin focusing our time, money, energy on the permanent: The Word of God and our eternal life in Christ. God’s Word is eternal and unfailing; it is constant, and only in God’s eternal Word will we find lasting solutions to our problems and needs.

Prayer: Abba Father, You are the same with Your Word. I  am recreated by Your Word, and in Your Word lies all answers to my problems and needs. Endue me greatly with Your Word  that I may live a victorious and all sufficient life, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


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