Monday, 7 December 2020


 He Gives the Best to His Children! 

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;” John 14:16 (KJV)

Jesus Christ was a man of prayer in His ministry on the earth. If there was anything that made His ministry stand out, it was His lifestyle of prayer. He woke up each day before dawn to pray and have fellowship with His Father before starting the day (Mark 1:35). All His prayers on this earth were answered, including the one in the opening scripture. When He left for heaven, He indeed sent the Holy Spirit to abide with us forever (Acts 2:1–4). The Holy Spirit is the best gift He has given to the church, and everyone qualifies for this gift once you believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior. Dear beloved, do you have this best gift? Once you are born again, He takes up residence in your heart. Then you can spend time getting to know Him and fellowshipping with Him through the Word of God. After getting to know Him, ask Him to anoint you with power to witness, and He will do it (Acts 1:8). The evidence of the anointing is speaking in tongues and prophesying. Apart from empowering you to be a good witness of the gospel, He teaches, leads, and guides the believer into all truth (John 16:13). He also shows us future events for us to prepare for them. Beloved, He is the best gift you have, so submit to Him and allow Him to lead you into glory, winning souls, wealth, joy, peace, prosperity, and all the wonderful things God has in store for you. Hallelujah! God bless you!

Prayer Point: My gracious loving Father, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. My Comforter, I want to know you more each day. Please help me know you and fellowship with you so that I can easily submit to your leading to do greater works for Jesus Christ. Amen!

Were you blessed by today's message? Kindly go to the comment section and share your comments, and testimonies. Let's also know your challenges so that we can pray for you. 

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