Friday, 31 July 2020



FRIDAY JULY 31, 2020.


Memory verse:  "Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of age.” Amen.” (Matthew 28 vs 20.) 

READ:  Amos 3 vs 3; Isaiah 41 vs 21; 43 vs 26; Matthew 11 vs 30:
Amos 3:3: Can two walk together unless they agreed?

Isaiah 41:21: “Present your case ,” says the LORD. “Bring forth your strong reasons,” says the King of Jacob.
43:26: Put Me in remembrance; Let us contend together; State your case, that you may be acquitted.

Matthew 11:30: Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Four areas are major ingredients for a relationship that would be described as a companionship. These areas are: (1) Agreement (2) Experience (3) Conversation (4) Learning. These ingredients are required in our companionship even with God.

God defines the first one: "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"(Amos 3 vs 3) So agreement is the first requirement. You have to want to spend time together. With God we know this is the desire of His heart. He tells us in many different ways in the Word that He desires to be with us. God was in constant companionship with Adam and Eve in the garden until they committed the treason of doubting His integrity, and believing Satan, by doing what He commanded not to do from the beginning. Then they lost the wonderful and unparalleled privilege that brought sin and hardship into the world. But God, in His infinite mercy sent His only begotten Son—Jesus—as a propitiation for us, to pay the price we owed. 

Second, you would share experiences together because you are together by definition. One of the special privileges we have as believers is sharing our heart with God and in turn learning more about His heart toward us and others. We get to see His overwhelming goodness, infinite patience, unchanging love, and unending mercies as we read the Bible-His Love Letter and "Owner's Manual" to us. The Holy Spirit makes the Word come alive to our hearts and points things out from it that are specifically for us and our situation. 

The third ingredient is conversation. There should be conversation between you and God. Not just one way, but rather an exchange of ideas from both parties. Think of your own experience. When you have been with someone who monopolizes the conversation, or who does not let you talk but only wants you to listen, you feel uneasy, dominated, and useless in the conversation. You may feel you are only a listening board, and your opinion matters little since it is rarely sought.

Sometimes we are guilty of doing this to God: We rush into His presence with our "want" list and then, in essence, after presenting our requests and/or complaints, we close the time with "In Jesus' name, Amen." No time to hear His input, no time to seek His advice. Only a time to "dump" on Him. Though, Peter advised us in First Peter 5 vs 7 to give the Lord all our burdens and cares. Yes, we are to present our anxieties to Him, but then we are to wait for His response.

The fourth ingredient is learning. A relationship that culminates into companionship entails learning from the superior partner. As we spend time with God, our relationship allows us to learn about Him—our Superior Partner. We also learn about ourselves, and about others. We come to appreciate Him more as we get to know Him better. We become more relaxed in His presence as we now know Him betterWe also understand ourselves better; our strengths, and weaknesses, how to overcome them, why we do things the way we do, how to change our negatives responses, and the like. We also learn much about others and how better to interact with them, showing forth all the fruit of the Spirit.

Someone may quickly ask, 'How do we hear from God or learn from Him?' A classical illustration is made with a product you bought from the store. The manufacturer is in Germany, but has included a manual in the package to enable you study and know more about the product and how to use and/or operate it. The same is true of our relationship with God. He has given us His 'Owner's Manual'—the "Bible," for our study. In it, God speaks and you hear from, and learn about Him. As the spiritual relationship develops, God can speak to you in a vision, an audible voice, or even through others in such relationship with Him.

Prayer: Abba Father, endue me with the excellent spirit of complete obedience to You, that I may enjoy the privilege of a perfect companionship with You, in Jesus’ Name I prayed, Amen.

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