Saturday, 7 December 2019





Memory verse: "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father honor." (John 12 vs 26.)

READ: John 15 vs 4 - 5 & 7:
15:4: Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
15:5: I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, Bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing.
15:7: If you Abide in Me, and My words Abide in You, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

Christ's promised company is one of the benefits of serving Him in love and obedience. It is noteworthy that the most important and valuable thing in life is your relationship with God; it has eternal value. All other of your possessions are left behind at your passing. Money, fame, and belongings cannot be taken with us from this life. 
Christ’s company—abiding in Him, is the offshoot of: (1) believing that He is God's Son, (2) receiving Him as Savior, (3) doing what God says, (4) continuing to believe the gospel, and (5) relating in love to the community of believers—Christ's body. 

The enormity of the benefits of Christ’s company are encapsulated in fruit bearing. It includes; soul winning, answered prayer, joy, empowerment, God’s love and honor, and crown of eternal life with Christ. The fruit of His company survives even death. God will remember our love, kindness, and faithfulness, and our witnessing for Him. Many people try to be good, honest people who do what is right. But Jesus says that the only way to live a truly good life is to stay close to Him, like a branch of a tree attached to the tree. 

In the passage we read today, Jesus illustration puts Him as a tree—the vine, and the believers in Christ are the branches. Outside of being faithfully attached to Him, our efforts in leading the Christlike (Christian) life, are unfruitful. When you are attached to Him (abide in Him), you receive the nourishment and life offered by Christ—the vine, and your joy will be full. If you are not attached to Him, you are missing that special gift, and your efforts come to nothing. You are then a waste and is thrown away and destroyed.

Jesus used the farming illustration to deeply drive home the point He made. A plant, like the vine, is God's creation. When a plant, bears much fruit, God is glorified. This is because the evidence of God's doing is glaring. He daily sends the sunshine, and the rain to make the crops grow. He constantly nurtured each tiny plant and prepared it to blossom. The plant grows and bears fruit, and the fruit is harvested.  What a moment of glory for the Lord of the harvest when the harvest is brought into the barns, mature and ready for use! He made it all happen! The farming analogy shows how God is glorified when people come into a right relationship with Him and begin to "bear fruit," telling others of Christ, and the benefits of their relationship with Him.

Unproductive followers are as good as dead and will be cut off and tossed aside, and abandoned by Him, because not only are they not productive and worthless, but they often infect the rest of the tree. People who won't bear fruit for God or who try to block the efforts of God's followers will be cut off from His life-giving power.

Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. When our lives are intertwined with His, and we enjoy His continual companionship, He takes us through life in full joyfulness. The more you are in companionship with Christ, the more you know Him and Hs word, and the more you are able to tell about Him to others. These are witnesses to the effect of the nourishment and life offered by Christ in you. As you showcase Christ, you are His disciple. and your life is a testimonial to others who would come and abide in Him. The good news, in summary, is that whatever your desire you ask from Him, it shall be done to you—answered prayers! Yes, because you love Him, and abide in Him, all things will work together for your good. Eventually, you will be justified, and glorified!

When you are consistently in good relationship with Jesus, your fruit bearing is guaranteed, and as you bear much fruit, your joy becomes full. You are joyful because you live with Jesus Christ daily, and the joy of living with Jesus Christ daily keeps you level headed; no matter how high or low your circumstances, knowing that the controller of circumstances abides with you. For most people, it is common that when things are going well, they feel elated. When hardships come, they sink into depression. But true joy in Christ transcends the rolling waves of circumstance. In adversity you stay stable without sinking into debilitating lows. And in prosperity, you move not into deceptive highs. 

Prayer: Abba Father, Engrace me Lord to live for You, releasing my life to Your control, that I may have the awesome privilege of daily enjoying Your companionship. My utmost heart desire is to live, and move, and have my being in You. in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.

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