Tuesday, 3 December 2019





Memory verse: "But I say to you that every idle word men speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgement."(Matthew 12 vs 36.)

READ: Ephesians 4 vs 29; 5 vs 4; Colossians 3 vs 8:
Ephesians 4:29: Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impact grace to the hearers.
5:4: neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving thanks. 
Colossians 3:8: But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.

Words are powerful. Because they can lead to great sin, we should use them with great care. What you say and what you don’t say are both important. We should be very careful to choose our words, knowing that we are accountable to God for every idle word we speak. All believers should remain true to their confession of faith. 

There are three classes of words. The first is neutral, colorless, empty, soulless words. These constitute the general conversation of most people. They are just empty words of the monotone, there is no power, no soul, no color, and no life in such words, just sounds thrown out in the air. For instance when you ask somebody 'how are you,' and the person replies, 'well I am there.' You feel the emptiness, hopelessness, soulless, life-lacking nature in the words spoken by the person. 

The second class of words comprises construction words, strength-building words, healing words, and inspirational words. These are thrilling, mighty, and dominant words, and they are pregnant with hope, love, and victory. For instance when you are asked the same question, 'how are you,' no matter the situation you may be in, you boldly answer; I am doing real good, "For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against this day" (Second Timothy 1 vs 12); "He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think, according to the power that works in me" (Ephesians 3 vs 20); "He supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4 vs 19); "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4 vs 13); and "God is for me, and nobody can be against me" (Romans 8 vs 31).

The third class is composed of destructive, hate-filled words full of scandal, jealousy, and deadly virus, they come from a heart full bitterness, and are sent out to wound, blight, and curse. When asked the same question as above, the reply might be 'Can't you see how this wicked world has kept me'; 'I never knew I will see today'; 'life is hopeless.' Improper language should have no place in the Christian’s conversation because it does not reflect God’s gracious presence in us. Also, obscene stories and coarse jokes are common that we begin to take them for granted. How can we praise God and remind others of His goodness when we are speaking coarsely? 

Be careful, what you say is what you get. Choose to speak constructive words, say what God said boldly, with faith, and obtain His promises attached, because He is faithful who had promised (Hebrews 11 vs 11). 

Prayer: Abba Father, engrace me to always speak constructively, confessing Your Word in faith, that I may obtain the promises according to Your Word, in Jesus’ Name I prayed, Amen.

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