Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Prayer against Evil Dream

 Today, we're praying against evil dream that abort our blessings and destiny. I pray that any evil dream programmed to terminate your destiny and testimony to be destroy in Jesus Name πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Prayer Points

1.  - Father I thank You for Your plans and purpose for my life and destiny in Jesus name.

2.  - Lord, I thank You for the grace and the ability You have given to me to dream and receive visions of the night.

3.  - I pull down every stronghold created in my mind for evil dreams in Jesus name. I cover my mind with the blood of Jesus Christ.

4.  - I free my mind from evil thoughts, imagination and words sent to attack my mind in preparation for evil dreams in Jesus name.

5.  - In the name of Jesus Christ, I forbid and render powerless, any evil spirit sent to work against my mind and prepare it for evil dream.

6.  - I cover my mind with the blood of Jesus Christ. I forbid every negative and demonic influence over my mind. I declare that I have the mind of Christ in Jesus name.

7.  - I overcome family and ancestral powers and evil by the blood of Jesus Christ.

8.  - By the power of the Holy Spirit, I break every covenant and agreement of evil.

9.  - I release the fire of God to burn every ancestral or generational material or connection to evil dreams in my life in Jesus name.

10.  - All generational, ancestral and family strongholds, covenants and evil influences of my maternal and paternal lineage which are frustrating my star, destiny and purpose in life through evil dreams, I command now, let the fire of the Holy Spirit torment and destroy you now out of my life in Jesus name.

11.  - As I lie down to sleep, let the light of the Almighty God overshadow me and destroy every darkness around me in Jesus name.

12.  - I sanctify every material I lie down to sleep upon with the blood of Jesus Christ.

13.  - I sanctify everywhere and every place I lie down to sleep with the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.

14.  - Two cannot walk together unless they agree, therefore I disconnect myself from wicked spiritual personalities of evil dreams and covenants in Jesus name.

15.  - I restrict and forbid evil movements of wicked spirits that manipulate and influence my dreams negatively. Jesus Christ says Γ’€Ε“in my Name, you shall cast out the devil.Γ’€ In the most potent and powerful name of Jesus Christ, I cast out every demonic and evil spirit sent on assignment to frustrate my life through evil dreams and evil actions.

16.  - Lord, as I lie down everyday to sleep, I shut the gates and doors of my sleep and dreams against the devil in Jesus name.

17.  - I reject and rebuke every spirit of fear sent to me during my sleep in Jesus name.

18.  - I receive the grace and ability to sleep and wake up in Jesus name. I rebuke every spirit of sleeplessness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

19.  - Father, Your Word says that when I lie down, I shall not be afraid and my sleep shall be sweet. Therefore, I pray that everyday of my life, my sleep shall be sweet and blessed in Jesus name.

20.  - Lord, I thank You for his precious gift of dreams of my life and destiny. I bless Your most Holy Name.

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