Sunday, 28 April 2024



MONDAY APRIL 29, 2024.


Memory verse: “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (Second Corinthians 5 vs 21.)

READ: Romans 10 vs 1- 5:

10:1: Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.

10:2: For I bear them record that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.

10:3: For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.

10:4: For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one who believes.

10:5: For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law, “The man who does those things shall live by them.


Righteousness is the character or quality of being right or just; it was formerly spelt ‘rightwiseness’ which clearly expresses the meaning. It is used to denote an attribute of God. The righteousness of God means essentially the same as His faithfulness, or truthfulness, that which is consistent with His own nature and promises. 

Righteousness is also found in the sayings of the Lord Jesus; (a) of whatever is right or just in itself, whatever conforms to the revealed will of God, (b) whatever has been appointed by God to be acknowledged and obeyed by man, (c) the sum total of the requirements of God, (d) religious duties; distinguished as almsgiving, man’s duty to his neighbor, his duty to God, his duty of self-control, prayer, and fasting.

The apostle Paul, in most of his writing, gives the meaning of righteousness—right action—as that gracious gift of God to men whereby all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are brought into right relationship with God. The righteousness is unattainable by obedience to any law, or by any merit of man’s own, or any other condition than that of faith in Christ. The man who trusts in Christ becomes ‘ the righteousness of God in Him,’ (Second Corinthians 5 vs 21), that is, man becomes in Christ all that God requires him to be, all that he could never be in himself. 

For instance, because Abraham accepted the Word of God, making it his own by the sequel showing, submitting himself to its control, therefore God accepted him as one who fulfilled the whole of His requirements; “For what does the Scripture say? “ Abraham believed God, and it was accounted for him as righteousness.” (Romans 4 vs 3.)  Righteousness is not said to be imputed to the believer save in the sense that faith is reckoned (imputed) for righteousness. The faith thus exercised brings the soul into vital union with God in Christ, and inevitably produces righteousness of life, that is, conformity to the will of God.

It is noteworthy that in order to be saved by the law, a person would have to live a perfect life, not sinning once, and that is impossible. Then why did God give the law since He knew people couldn’t keep it? According to the apostle Paul, one reason the law was given was to show people how guilty they are (Galatians 3 vs 19). The law was a shadow of Christ, that is, the sacrificial system educated the people so that when the true sacrifice came, they would be able to understand His work (Hebrews 10 vs 1 - 4). The system of ceremonial laws was to last until the coming of Christ. The law points to our need for a Savior.

Christ has provided our salvation through His incarnation (God in human form), death, and resurrection. God’s salvation is right in front of us. He will come to us wherever we are. All we need to do is to respond and accept His gift of salvation. We can only hold out our empty hands and receive salvation as a gift.

Prayer: Abba Father, Your unparalleled love for us is beyond human reasoning. I greatly rejoice in Your gift of salvation, the gift that has imputed righteousness to me. My utmost heart’s desire is to respond to Your love by my obedience You, Your Word, and acceptable service to You and others, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


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