Tuesday, 28 March 2023





Memory verse: “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.” 

(Mark 11 vs 25.)

READ: Matthew 5 vs 23 - 24:

23 Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there rememberers that your brother has something against you;

24 Leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.


Forgiveness is to pardon or acquit for sin. It is the release from the mind and heart of the offended feelings of resentment toward the offender, which feelings, if continued, will hinder the spiritual and emotional growth of the offended. Also, to bestow a favor unconditionally is used of the act of forgiveness, whether Divine (Ephesians 4 vs 32; Colossians 2 vs 13; 3 vs 13), or human, (Luke 7 vs 42 - 43; Second Corinthians 2 vs 7; 12 vs 13). 

Human forgiveness is to be strictly analogous to Divine forgiveness (Matthew 6 vs 12). If certain conditions are fulfilled, there is no limitation to Christ’s law of forgiveness (Matthew 18 vs 21 - 22). And the conditions are repentance and confession (Matthew 18 vs 15 - 17; Luke 17 vs 3). God will judge without mercy the one who has shown no mercy. Those who are subjects of the kingdom reign of Jesus should be of a forgiving nature. God does not answer the prayer that comes from an unforgiving heart. Therefore, forgiveness is a condition for answered prayer. 

One should always view forgiveness in relation to how much God has forgiven us. The extent to which God has forgiven us should make our forgiveness of others limitless. We shouldn’t even keep track of how many times we forgive someone. We should always forgive those who are truly repentant, no matter how many times they offend us and ask for forgiveness.

Forgiving others is tough work—so much so that many people would rather do something totally distasteful than offer forgiveness to someone who has wronged them. For a person to pray while bearing a grudge, is like a tree sprouting leaves and bearing no fruit (Mark 11 vs 13). True faith changes the heart. Real prayer dismantles pride and vengeance, filling the holes with love. Real faith speaks peace. For our churches to have prayer power, there must be harmony and forgiveness evident in the body of believers. Let go of hurts, abandon grudges, and forgive others.

Jesus gives a startling warning about forgiveness. If we refuse to forgive others, God will also refuse to forgive us. Why? Because when we don’t forgive others, we are denying our common ground as sinners in need of God’s forgiveness. However, God’s forgiveness of sin is not the direct result of our forgiving others, but it is based on our realizing what forgiveness means. It is easy to ask God for forgiveness but difficult to grant it to others. Whenever we ask God to forgive us, we should ask, “Have I forgiven the people who have wronged me?” 

In the parable of the unmerciful servant (Matthew 18 vs 23 - 35), Ten thousand talents would be about sixty million denarii. One denarii was about one day’s wage. So much money is indicated that it would be impossible for a mortal man to work every day of his life in order to repay such debt. The spiritual implication of the parable is clear; we owe God more than we can pay in reference to our eternal salvation in heaven. We will receive more in heaven than we can possibly earn through works on earth. Salvation is truly by grace. 

The unforgiving servant showed no appreciation for his own forgiveness. Instead of manifesting mercy in his heart because of the mercy that was extended to him, he only thought of himself in reference to his fellow man. Because God has forgiven all our sins, we should not withhold forgiveness from others. As we realize how completely Christ has forgiven us, it should produce an attitude of forgiveness toward others. When we don’t forgive others, we are setting ourselves above Christ’s law of love.

God’s mercy toward us should stimulate the same in our lives toward others. Those with unforgiving spirits cannot inherit the heavenly environment of a forgiving God because they are not of the nature of the Father. God will render judgment without mercy on those who do not show mercy. Therefore, we must store mercy for judgement by exercising mercy toward others in reference to their sins against us. One must keep in mind that the ability to forgive is a necessary quality that one must possess in order to be a candidate for heaven. It is the nature of God to forgive, His children must have the same nature.

The spirit of forgiveness guards one against becoming bitter. It guards the joy that must be characteristic of our hearts. An unforgiving attitude will destroy a Christian’s spirit. Therefore, one must forgive for his own benefit. If he does not forgive he will often become bitter. 

Prayer: Abba Father, endue me Your excellent spirit of mercy, love and compassion, that I may manifest all these toward others in my journey of life, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


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