Saturday, 13 August 2022





Memory verse:  "Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,” (Romans 5 vs 20.) 

READ:  Romans 6 vs 15 - 16:

6:15: What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law, but under grace? Certainly not! 

6:16: Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?


When we talk about grace, we must be careful not to think of it as a blanket that covers us and gives us a license to sin. When the apostle Paul started teaching the people of His day about the law and grace and how the law produces sin, but where sin abounds, grace abounds even more, the early believers got a bit confused. They reasoned, "Well, then, if the more we sin, the more grace abounds, and God takes such delight in giving us His grace, then we ought to sin as much as we can so we can get more grace!"

Then the apostle Paul had to write to straighten them out, saying, "Certainly not!" (God forbid!) Don't you know that when you sin you become a servant to sin? How can you go on living in sin when you have been declared dead to sin?" That we are no longer under the law but under grace, has not given us freedom to sin and disregard the Ten Commandments. 

Like the believers in the apostle Paul's days, our problem is not just a misunderstanding of sin and its power, it is also a misunderstanding of grace. When the Holy Spirit shows us what to do to keep from sinning and walk in holiness, we immediately try to do it our own without His help. We struggle and strive and strain, eventually ending up miserable and frustrated and confused because we don't understand why we keep failing.

The ultimate goal to be accomplished in us by grace is to empower us to live a holy life. But while we are not to worry about holiness, we are also not to have a light attitude toward sin. Grace is not a license to sin. As I said before, believers we are not to be anxious about holiness or the process of sanctification ('be anxious for nothing' (Philippians 4 vs 6)), but we are to be serious about it. We are to recognize that it is God's Will for us. We are to desire and thirst for it with all our hearts, and sincerely ask God for it in our fellowship with Him. We are to make every effort to cooperate with the Holy Spirit Who is working to bring it to pass in us day by day.

Yet again, grace is not an excuse to stay the way we are, claiming that we don't have to do anything about ourselves and our lives because we are not under the law but under grace. That is a mistake the early believers were making. And that is why Paul had to rebuke them and correct their thinking.

It is obvious that God's grace will keep us from condemnation even though we sin. Yes, God's grace does keep our names written in the Lamb's Book of Life even though we aren't perfect. God's grace does save us, declare us righteous in His sight, assure us His blessings and a home in Heaven, carry us through this life and give us peace of mind and heart and many, many other wonderful things. But God's grace does more than all of that, it also teaches us to live as God intends for us to live—to be holy.

I am convinced that most Christians are not looking for an excuse to sin, but for the power to live holy lives. They are very eager to receive the power to meet their needs and solve their problems, as well as live for God. They want to receive the power needed to overcome temptations. If they can be shown how to do that, then they will cooperate wholeheartedly.

And without the knowledge of God's grace by believers, they will never be able to receive the power they need to rise above their sins and overcome their problems. And when they lack requisite knowledge, they will be destroyed. (Hosea 4 vs 6). God's grace is given to us to do more than give us the power to live, it is also given to us to lift us out of sin.

Prayer: Abba Father, great is Your faithfulness. Your grace is sufficient for me: for Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Most gracious Father, I pray that the power of Christ may rest upon me in all intents and purposes to live for You, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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