Wednesday, 20 July 2022





Memory verse: "Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys." (Luke 12  vs 33.)

READ: Matthew 6 vs 19 - 21:

6:19: Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;

6:20: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

6:21: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


The key to using money wisely is to see how much we can use for God's purposes, not how much you can accumulate for yourself. How do you treasure your possessions? Does your money free you to help others? Does God's love touch your wallet? If your answer is yes, then you are using your money wisely, and is storing up lasting treasures in heaven. 

We are to make wise use of the monetary opportunities we have. If we use our money to help those in need or to help others find Christ, our earthly investment will bring eternal benefit which should be the utmost heart desire of every child of God. When we obey God’s Will, the unselfish use of our possessions will follow. 

What does money mean to you? Although Jesus said “Sell what you have and give alms,” this does not mean that all believers should sell all their possessions. Most of His followers did not sell everything, although they used their possessions to serve others. Instead, this advice shows us that we must not let our possessions or money keep us from following Jesus. We must be ready to use our money for service to God, the interest of His kingdom, help others in need, and humanity at large. 

We must remove all barriers to serving God fully. If Jesus asked, could you give up your house? your car? your level of income? your position on the ladder of promotion? Your reactions may show your attitude toward money—whether it is your servant or your master, whether you are using your money wisely or not.

Jesus contrasts the physical and temporary things of this world with the eternal, spiritual 

things that will endure the destruction of the physical. He contrasted heavenly values with earthly values when he explained that our first loyalty should be to those things that do not fade, cannot be stolen or used up, and never wear out. If one has many things of this world, his thoughts, worry, and usually desires, will be focused on this world which will one day pass away. 

If one’s mind is on those things that are above, then his thoughts, desires and ambitions are on spiritual things. We should not be fascinated with our possessions, lest they possess us. God alone deserves to be our master. Either we store our treasures with God, focus our eyes on Him and serve Him alone—or else we do not serve Him at all. 

Treasures that we possess on earth can easily be consumed or taken from us. Because we know they can soon be taken from us, we worry about them. By concentrating on those things that are above this earth, one places earthly things in the right perspective. The crown of righteousness in heaven awaits those who have forsaken the treasures of the world.

When material things are in their right priority, they become spiritual in the sense that we consider such to be blessings from God. It is not that material things are wrong. When material things are used for God’s work, then they are a blessing to many. 

God blesses you so as to be a blessing to others. God said to Abraham, "...I will bless you; and you shall be a blessing" (Genesis 12 vs 2). This is a very important truth. How then do you manage the blessings God entrusted with you? Are you serving Him with them? Are you blessing others with your talent, money, possessions, etc., or are you greedy and selfish with them? Use your possessions wisely to serve God, the interest of His kingdom, and humanity.

Prayer: Abba Father, give me the grace to manage Your resources entrusted to me properly, that I may serve You and others and the interest of Your kingdom with them to earn Your approval, and enter into Your rest, in Jesus’ most precious Name I have prayed, Amen.


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