Saturday, 21 May 2022



SUNDAY MAY 22, 2022. 


Memory verse: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, these O God, You will not despise." (Psalms 51 vs 17.)

READ: Isaiah 57 vs 15:

57:15: For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy; “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”


The heart is the seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, and the like; It is the spring of all our actions and purposes; the seat of moral life and character. it is rarely, the seat of the understanding or will; usually in a good sense, the spring of all our actions and purposes; It is the seat of moral life and character; the individual disposition and character; as, a good, tender, loving, bad, hard, or selfish heart.

Though God is exalted above the heavens, at the same time the omnipresent God dwells in the hearts of the humble and contrite. In our relationship with God, He demands a humble and contrite (grieving and penitent for sin) heart. Humility means proper respect for God, and only in such manner can one fellowship and hear Him. You can never please God by outward actions—no matter how good—if your heart attitude is not right. The heart attitude is what God is mindful of.

God’s demand for a humble and contrite heart is because with such heart, one recognizes his humanity, his spiritual poverty and destitution. One must empty himself of self-reliance and learn to humble himself before God. Those with such attitude of mind will submit to the kingdom reign of God. Such people recognize their spiritual poverty and, therefore, humbly grieve over their sinfulness—their inadequacies before God.

When one mourns over his sin, his relationship with others change. He becomes mild, gentle, lowly and unselfish in character. He is not arrogant or self-seeking. Those who realize their sinful condition and mourn or contrite over their sin, hunger and thirst after justification (righteousness) that can come only from God by His grace. They seek the knowledge of God through His word. It is the word of God that will supply the knowledge of how to be justified of one’s sin. God is the source of all righteousness. 

Those who recognize their own spiritual poverty are merciful to others. They sympathize and have pity on others. They, therefore, seek to relieve the suffering of others because God has had mercy on them in relation to their sin. And the mercy will reap mercy from God. Those who recognize their own sinfulness will seek peace of mind with others. Such are sons of God for they portray the spirit of God in their relationship with others. They are not contentious, nor do they have a spirit to argue with others.

One’s honest recognition of his spiritual dilemma leads him to frustration. The morally conscious person who seeks to do right realizes the law of his own natural fallibility to live flawlessly in reference to law. Every man must come to the point of self-recognition. Each person must recognize that his life is a “body of death” because we cannot obey law in a manner to justify ourselves before God. Therefore, we must humble ourselves before God for justification by His grace.

Christians have been chosen by God as Christ’s representatives on earth. They, therefore, should conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the calling they have received—the awesome privilege of being called Christ’s very own. This includes being humble, gentle, patient, understanding, and peaceful. People are watching your life. Can they see Christ in you? How well are you doing as His representative?

Being humble involves having a true perspective about ourselves. It does not mean we should put ourselves down. Before God, we are sinners, saved only by God’s grace, but we are saved and therefore, have great worth in God’s kingdom. We are to lay aside selfishness and treat others with respect and common courtesy, God desires a broken spirit that was manifested through repentance, and this is what a humble and contrite heart offer.

Prayer: Abba Father, endue me with the excellent spirit of humility, and create in me a clean heart contrite for my sins always, that I may please You and have fellowship with You at all times, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


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