Saturday, 1 January 2022





Memory verse: "However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17 vs 21.)

READ: Luke 2 vs 37; Acts 14 vs 23:

Luke 2:37: And this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

Acts 14:23: So when they had appointed them elders in every church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they had believed.


A fast is a voluntary abstinence from food or drink or both for the purpose of calling on God to respond to one’s request. It is a period of time when no food or drink was eaten and people approached God in humility, sorrow for sin, and urgent prayer. Fasting, though not a command, is noble and difficult. It gives us time to pray, teaches us self-discipline, reminds us that we can live with a lot less, and helps us appreciate God’s gift. Fasting is both an outward sign of humility and regret for sin, it is a sign of mourning for sin, and an inner discipline that clears the mind and keeps the spirit alert. 

Fasting indicates our seriousness with God. By separating ourselves from the daily routine of food preparation and eating, we could devote that extra time to considering our sin and praying to God for help. Hunger pangs would reinforce our penitence and remind us of our weaknesses and our dependence upon God. Fasting is always helpful as we seek God’s will in special situations. People often fast during the time of calamity in order to focus their attention on God and to demonstrate their change of heart and their true devotion. 

Fasting is an understood practice of the disciples of Jesus. Jesus said to His disciples, “When you fast,” it is not if the disciples would fast. Fasting is the natural response of those who respond with discipleship to the lordship of Jesus. It is the response of those who depend on God’s work in their lives, for in fasting one is calling on God to respond to his pleas for help. Fasting is done in order to to take one’s mind off the physical needs of the body in order to concentrate on the spiritual needs of the inner man. 

Fasting not only strengthens our self-discipline, it also helps us to focus our attention on the work of God in our lives. The purpose of fasting is to inwardly humble oneself before God in order to proclaim one’s dependence on the work of God in his or her life. In humbling ourselves before God, we manifest our dependence on God in order to plead for His work in our lives. 

Prayer is an expression of one’s most inner feelings of thanksgiving to God and request for His help. In the Bible, prayer is often combine with fasting on the part of the one who prepares his or her mind in prayer. Praying is to speak reverently to God in order to express thanks or make a request. It is earnestly entreating God in sincerity of your intention, always rendered "supplication." Prayer is one of the greatest opportunities given to man by God. It is one of the greatest privileges and ministries available to all Christians. Indeed, everyone who seeks to take his or her place in the Kingdom of God should seek or learn how to pray effectively. 

Fasting and praying are spiritual preparations necessary for seeking the face, and help of God in our journeys of life, especially in situations beyond our control. It also shows our dependence on God for protection and leading, indicative of our faith that God is in control, and our affirmation that by our strength we cannot prevail. When we take time to put God first in any endeavor, we are preparing well for whatever lies ahead. It’s also an indication that we are not taking God’s promises to us for granted. 

God’s blessings are appropriated through prayer, and fasting humbles one because going without food is a reminder of our complete dependence on God. It gives one more time to pray and meditate on God. Prayer and fasting increase the faith of the believers. Therefore, Christians who wants to grow in faith must give themselves to prayer and fasting. 

Prayer: Abba Father, engrace me with spirit of supplication, and total dependence, loyalty, and complete trust, in You. For I know the thought You think toward me, thought of good and not of evil, to bring me to the expected end. You created me for Your purpose here on earth, and let the purpose, expressed in Your Will for my life, be accomplished in Jesus Name I have prayed, Amen.


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