Saturday, 23 October 2021





Memory verse: "Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms." (James 5 vs 13.)

READ: Exodus 3 vs 7 - 8:

3:7: And the Lord said, I have surely seen the oppressions of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. 

3:8: So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanite, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.


Prayer is the master key we use to free ourselves from the bondage of all form of afflictions of the enemy, and for the restoration of our beauty in Christ. It’s the kingdom’s force of deliverance from afflictions, and restoration of our glorious destiny. 

Affliction is described as great suffering that produces sorrow. Afflictions are not our heritage; we are created in His image and after His likeness, to reflect the glory of God, and prayer is what it takes to enforce our manifestations. It’s only in prayer we hand over our battles to God with whom nothing is impossible with or difficult for (Mark 10 vs 27; Jeremiah 32 vs 17 & 27). He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the wise Judge, who is aware of our conducts and knows all things. He is our Redeemer, who has great power, and the Owner of the world and all its fullness. Therefore, who else can you go to?

It’s for this reason Jesus said, “...Men ought always to pray and not to faint” (Luke 18 vs 1). To be constantly on the guard, we should persistently hand over every of our concern to God in prayer. And taking a cue from Jesus, the apostle Paul also instructs us to “pray without ceasing” (First Thessalonians 5 vs 17).

Now, look at our memory verse, "Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray." Not, "let him cry...," or, "let him watch..." That means anyone that is battered, tormented or depressed, is expected to pray for deliverance. If you want to see that yoke on your life broken, you must pray. If you want the forces beclouding your destiny to be shattered. Prayer is the kingdom force recommended for our deliverance.

In the passage we read today, the children of Israel were in bondage in Egypt for 430 years. God only sent them help after He heard their cries in prayer. So until you cry out against that affliction in your life, it remains. God only responds to your voice in prayer, to put a stop to the assault of the devil in your life. Apart from destroying afflictions, prayer puts you on the line for divine visitations, and turns your captivity, just as it did for the children of Israel. Therefore, the time is now to rise up to the occasion—joblessness, barrenness, lack or want, and so on. Go to God in prayers, remind Him of His promises in His Word that exempt you from such afflictions, and you will be free! Nothing can stop a person of prayer!

Sing this beautiful song that summarizes the power of prayer:-

What a friend we have in Jesus,

All our sins and griefs to bear!

What a privilege to carry 

Everything to God in prayer!

Oh, what a peace we often forfeit,

Oh, what needless pain we bear -

All because we do not carry

Everything to God in Prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?

Is there trouble anywhere?

We should not be discouraged;

Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Can we find a friend so faithful.

Who will all our sorrows share?

Jesus knows our every weakness -

Take it to the lord in Prayer!

Are we weak and heavy-laden?

Cumbered with load of care?

Precious Savior, still our refuge - 

Take it to the Lord in prayer,

Do your friends despise, forsake you?

Take it to the Lord in prayer.

In His arms He'll take and shield you,

You will find a solace there!

Prayer: Abba Father, endue me with the spirit of prayer, and supplication with and obedience of faith to You, that I may dwell in Your presence always, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


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