Friday, 19 February 2021

Do You Want to Be Right?

 Do You Want to Be Right? 

“For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth.” Psalms 33:4 (KJV)

We are living in an era where things are moving quickly; technology keeps changing, there are many mishaps, and the world is becoming unpredictable. The children of God are faced with several challenges in their walk with the Lord Jesus (Psalms 34:19). However, the children of God are expected to live right to maintain the standard of God. The child of God can only live right by using the Holy Scriptures. Remember, the Holy Scriptures are pure and purified seven times, thus they are infallible (Psalms 12:6). Beloved, you are expected to find the Word of God pertaining to the situation in which you find yourself and use it to bear the testimony of God’s truth. Dear child of God, the expectation of God about you is high, and you must not fail Him. There are people who are looking up to you, and you must succeed so that they can be inspired to also do good works in truth. Never let down the cloud of witnesses who are cheering you (Hebrews 12:1). You can always be right when you use the Word of God. Thus, use the Word, live for the truth, and look onto Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2). Living right in God’s Word will always guarantee success, peace, joy, and prosperity. Hallelujah! God bless you.

Prayer Point: My righteous and faithful Father, I’m grateful for Your making Your Word available to me. I will meditate on it day and night and observe it to do in order to experience success, peace, joy, and prosperity in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Were you blessed by today's message? Kindly go to the comment section and share your comments, and testimonies. Let's also know your challenges so that we can pray for you.

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