Sunday, 29 November 2020





Memory verse: "In everything give thanks; for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (First Thessalonians 5 vs 18.) 

READ:  Read Psalm 92 vs 1 - 2; Ephesians 5 vs 20:
Psalm 9:1: It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to Your Name, O Most High
92:2: To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night,

Ephesians 5:20: Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanksgiving is an act of giving thanks, especially publicly acknowledging the divine goodness and mercy of God in our lives. It is the celebration of God's faithfulness in our lives both as a group (like the church), or as an individual. Above all. thanksgiving is an integral part of our relationship with God, and it’s God’s will for us. Being thankful is being grateful, being gladly relieved. The relieve can be for a burden, a task, emotional stress, weight etc. In all you are better off than before. 

Whatever you are: your talent, wisdom, skills etc, whatever assets you have: money, properties, etc, and whatever position you occupy in life, are all the acts and doing of the Lord. (See John 3 vs 27 and James 1vs17).  The life you are living is not your own, God gave it to you. The only thing we return to God in acknowledgment of His goodness and wondrous acts is giving Him thanks. At any corner of your life, you should remember your source. 

Often times, in giving thanks, we focus on our blessings and express our gratitude to God for them. But thanks should be on our lips every time. We should thank God for; (1) The invisible happenings in our lives, His goodness and mercy. ( See Ezra 3 vs 11.); (2) For every sign and wonder we have seen both in our lives, and others. (See Mark 16 vs 20.); (3) For all the benefits especially intangible benefits (See Psalm 103 vs 2 - 5); (4) For all the deliverances. (See John 10 vs 10; Obadiah 1 vs 17; Colossians 1 vs 13); and (5) For all His promises and provisions He made  to us. (See Romans 4 vs 20 - 21). 

Again, as believers, since we have been graciously adopted as children of God, and born of the Will of God, we should rest assured of His presence in our lives at all times. Therefore, in everything that happens to us, we be thankful for God's presence, and for the good that He will accomplish through the happening, bearing in mind that "All things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8 vs 28). 

Thanksgiving is also a proper response to our salvation. The Scripture in Ephesians 2 vs 8 - 9 says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." When someone gives you a gift, the appropriate response is 'thank you.' Our salvation and even our faith are gifts from God, and we should respond with gratitude, praise and joy. We become Christians through God's grace (unmerited favour), not as a result of any efforts, ability, intelligent choice, or acts of service on our part. 

As we praise and thank God for material, and spiritual blessings, we should also thank Him for answered prayers, remembering His answers to our quest for protection, strength, comfort, patience, love, or other special needs that He supplied. Also, consider it a huge privilege to have been chosen by God for whatever blessing He bestowed on you. He could have chosen another person to do or have what He has given you. For this reason, you should have a lifestyle of gratitude to God at all times.

Our offer of thanksgiving should not be in words only. Just as we naturally show appreciation for what others have done for us, both in words and material offering, we should do the same to our Father in heaven. Our thanksgiving in material offering is an application to God for more. God will ever reciprocate all your offerings to Him, and in greater dimension. 

Let's learn to respond to the help we are already getting from our ‘Helper,’ the Holy Spirit, which actually we don't deserve, by developing an attitude of giving thanks always. This is not just an occasional word of thanks, but a continual lifestyle of thanksgiving. The heart that responds to the grace of God is a heart that continually gives thanks to God with a dedicated life that is presented as a living sacrifice. The person who has developed an "attitude of giving thanks always" is one who is thankful and grateful for every single thing that God is doing in his or her life day by day. It is only through God's Spirit that anything of lasting value is accomplished. 

Prayer: Abba Father, my help comes from You, Who made heaven and the earth. I have received nothing you didn’t give to me. I am what I am by Your grace. I will forever be grateful for all You have done, and is doing, and is yet to do. I thank You for the privilege of my adoption as Your son, and for the gift of life. Endue with the spirit of gratitude to You at all times, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


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