Sunday, 23 August 2020



" In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1" 

Devotion : God lives in eternity: He created the heaven and the Earth before time began. He created time on Earth but does not live in time; He is timeless. Science has proved that the earth is millions of years old. They could be right because the Earth was created before time was created. Genesis chapter 1 illustrated how God created light, day, night, sun, and the moon to be the elements of time. If Elohim created heaven and Earth and everything therein, then what can't He create for His children? We are indeed serving a living God. As a child of God, don't be limited by time - you have a Father who can change time to suit you. Praise the Lord! Dear beloved what did you learn from this gospel? Share your thoughts here!

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