Tuesday, 5 May 2020



TUESDAY MAY 5, 2020.


Memory verse: "And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answered again, and saith to them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!" (Mark 10 vs 24.)

READ: Matthew 6 vs 19 - 21:
6:19:Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;
6:20: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal:
6:21: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

To trust is to believe or have confidence in. Another word for trust is faith or believe. To trust or believe in someone or something is to depend on it. A trust is misplaced when the object of trust or confidence is eroded occasioned by the lack of the object living up to expectation. When we place our trust in our earthly possessions, instead of in God who created all those things, our trust is misplaced. In the passage we read today, Jesus contrasts the physical and temporal things of this world with the eternal, spiritual things that will endure the destruction of the physical (Second Peter 3 vs 10 - 12). 

Looking at the world around us, we can see that money has tremendous power. It obviously enables us to do things we can't otherwise do, and it gives us a certain level of respect and great confidence. The Scripture buttressed this point in Ecclesiastes 10 vs 19; 7 vs 12 when it says, "Money answers all things." And "..Money is a defense." This calls to mind the slang 'Money speaks' for those you trust in money. Consequently, many begin to trust more in the power of money than they do in the power of God—the Creator of all things. Many people erroneously think that wealth is the easiest way to get all they want. Those who pursue its empty promises will one day discover that they have nothing because they are spiritually bankrupt.

We live in a materialistic society where many people serve money. They spend all their lives collecting and storing it, only to die and leave it behind. Their desire for money and what it can buy far outweighs their commitment to God and spiritual matters. Whatever you store up, you will spend much of your time and energy thinking about. Don’t fall into the materialistic trap, trust in the Creator, not the created. Can you honestly say that God, not money, is your master? One test is to ask yourself which one occupies more of your thoughts, time, and efforts.

Jesus made it clear that having wrong treasures leads to our hearts being in the wrong place. What we treasure the most controls us, whether we admit it or not. If possessions or money become too important to us, we must re-establish control or get rid of items. Jesus calls for a decision that allows us to live contentedly with whatever we have because we have chosen eternal value over temporary earthly treasures. Treasures that we possess on earth can easily be consumed or taken away from us. By concentrating on those things that are above this earth, one places earthly things in the right perspective. 

Jesus contrasted heavenly values with earthly values when He explained that our first loyalty should be to those things that do not fade, cannot be stolen or used up, and never wear out. We should not be fascinated with our possessions, lest they possess us. God alone deserves to be our master. Either we store our treasures with God, focus our eyes on Him, and serve Him alone, or else we do not serve Him at all. The crown of righteousness in heaven awaits those who have forsaken the treasures of the world (Second Timothy 4 vs 8). 

Prayer: Abba Father, all things are Yours. My total trust and confidence in You. Give me the grace never to shift my trust and focus on You, for anything, in any circumstances, and by anything, in Jesus’ Name I prayed, Amen.

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