Sunday, 19 April 2020



SUNDAY APRIL 19, 2020.


Memory verse:  "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they did not love their lives to the death." (Revelation 12 vs 11.) 

READ:  First John 5 vs 4 - 5:
5:4: For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.
5:5: Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
Christians are overcomers; They have been brought forth from God by their response to the grace of God that was demonstrated by offering of His only begotten Son on the cross as a propitiation for the sins of the whole world. They have obeyed the gospel, and thus, have been born of water and the Spirit. Their faith is their victory insofar as they are moved to respond to the will of God. Therefore, the Christians’ faith has made it possible for them to overcome the world. Those who have obeyed have overcome the mentality and behavior of the world that is dominated by Satan as the temporary ruler of the part of the world that chooses to follow him. While Jesus is the permanent ruler of the whole world.

Christians became overcomers when Jesus, the Lamb, dealt the critical blow to Satan by the shedding of His blood on the cross for sins of the whole world. The victory was won by sacrifice—Christ’s death in our place to pay the penalty for our sins, and the sacrifice they make because of their faith in Christ. Jesus disarmed Satan and his agents—principalities and powers—and made made a public spectacle of them on the cross where He nailed them, and triumphed over them in victory for all believers (Colossians 2 vs 14 - 15). What Christ ‘disarmed’ on the cross was any embodiment of rebellion in the world—whether that be Satan and his demons, false idols of pagan religions, evil world government, or even God’s good angels when they become objects of worship. 

Christ has delivered the Christians from the power of darkness and conveyed them into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Colossians 1 vs 13). True believers have been transferred from darkness to light, from slavery to freedom, from guilt to forgiveness, and from the power of Satan to the power of God—the ultimate power in the universe. Satan has great power, but people can be delivered from his reign of spiritual darkness because of Christ’s victory on the cross. Satan is powerful, but Jesus is much more powerful. 

Christians have not only conquered the sin and death, they have also conquered the world because nothing in this world can separate them from the love of God. Satan has no subjective power over the Christian. Satan cannot of his will snatch the Christian from the love of God. He may go about in the world as a roaring lion (First Peter 5 vs 8), but His power of deception is not effective in reference to those who know and love the truth. He does not have the power to subject any Christian against his will who has given himself or herself to God. 

Christians now has power over the results of their sins by the power of the cleansing blood of Jesus. They have power over the kingdom of darkness by the power of the gospel and the word of God that they believe and preach. They are willing to die in Christ because they know that death is only a transition into a better realm—eternal life with Christ. And in Christ, God has freely given us all things that pertain to godliness and to a life of victory in this present evil age in which we are living (See Second Peter 1 vs 3). 

The Scripture, in Romans 8 vs 37 - 39, contain one of the most comfortable promises in all Scripture. Believers have always had to face hardships in many forms: persecution, hardship, illness, and even death. These sometimes cause them to fear that they have been abandoned by Christ. It is impossible to be separated from Christ. His death for us is proof of His unconquerable love. Nothing can separate us from Christ’s presence. God tells us how great His love is so that we will feel totally secure in Him. If we believe these overwhelming assurances, we will not be afraid in the face of life’s circumstances. 

Prayer: Abba Father, thank You, our most merciful and faithful God, for all You wrought in Christ for us. We have eternally overcome the world in Christ. Give me the grace to live worthily—in obedience, trust, and love for you—in response to all You have done for me, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


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