Sunday, 22 March 2020

Life's Punchlines... (Volume 3).
❤🇳🇬🇳🇬 Year 2020🇳🇬🇳🇬❤.

Preacher: Priest Godsknight O.J

Topic: StandOut Forever💪🏿!

Text: Ps 125v1" Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever."

Trusting in the LORD is a job that requires an expensive patience🙁, a price too hard for corner benders😩 ( 2 Cor 6v14-16). There is a how to wait & a how not to, don't get it twisted (Prov 11v24).

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, while waiting, serve (Prov 11v30). May your testimony echo across generations in Jesus Name.

As soldiers, we must break chains. We're branded "The White Horses", because our garments are white & our heads lack no oil.

We inhale & exhale Holy Ghost fire 🔥, & can heal any land with the breath of our nostrils. No plague can take us for a ride, there is no corner to hide😉 (Ps 121v1-8).

Until you dare the devil 😈, he won't know your cost to God (Ps 125v2-3). Daniel & the 3 Hebrews had profound testimonies (Dan 6v1-28,3v17-25 ), are you ready?🤷🏾‍♂

"Standout Till You're Outstanding", is the profile heaven is looking for. Have you a clout to do a frown back at the devil 😈 (James 4v7)?

Many children got distinction in theology classes at 12 yrs, only Jesus lectured theologians to their amazement😲 (Luke 2v46-49 ).

Any ministers that's not backed up by Jesus is a sinister. What is destroying them is what we're surviving, because we're obedient & disciplined (Is 1v19-20).

We're all built to last forever by Calvary plan, it's an open cheque (2 Cor 5v17). Eternity is never free, you've to earn it by your stripes ( 2 Cor 6v4-10).

Those who said I won't stand a chance in combat against their god, the devil, are surprised I'm doing fine in Jesus 😎. Shame won't let them pick my call 🤐.

I pray for you, you'll Standout & your profile will shame your mockers forever in Jesus Name (Ps 89 v33-37). Receive grace upon grace!🤗

God bless you🤝.
Instagram: @PriestGodsknight.

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