Tuesday, 18 June 2019


TEXT: 2Corinthians6:6
Definition: Longsuffering or long patience, endurance of insult, abuse or mistreatment, perseverance.
1. It is God's nature in goodness and truth. Exodus34:6
2. God's great mercy and forgiveness. Numbers14:18
3. Our service to God and man. Jeremiah15:15.
4. Price paid for salvation by Jesus. Romans2:4.
5. God never in haste to execute judgement on mankind. Romans9:22.
6. One of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Gal5:22
7. For us to live in humility and meekness. Ephesians4:2

CONCLUSION: Christianity is not living in a bed of roses or palatable but test, tribulation and persecution is for us to persevere is it as an spiritual examination. I don't know what you are passing through right now the word of God is encourage and persevere to seek the way an escape through our Jesus. 1Corinthians10:9-13 and John14:6

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