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Saturday, 21 December 2024

The Birth of the Ancient of Days

 The Birth of the Ancient of Days

Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world — to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:37)

This is a great Christmas text even though it comes from the very end of Jesus’s life on earth, not the beginning.

Notice: Jesus says not only that he was born, but that he “came into the world.” The uniqueness of his birth is that he did not originate at his birth. He existed before he was born in a manger. The personhood, the character, the personality of Jesus of Nazareth existed before the man Jesus of Nazareth was born.

The theological word to describe this mystery is not creation, but incarnation. The person, not the body, but the essential personhood of Jesus existed before he was born as man. His birth was not a coming into being of a new person, but a coming into the world of an infinitely old person.

Micah 5:2 puts it like this, 700 years before Jesus was born:

But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.

The mystery of the birth of Jesus is not merely that he was born of a virgin. That miracle was intended by God to witness to an even greater one; namely, that the child born at Christmas was a person who existed “from of old, from ancient days.”

And, therefore, his birth was purposeful. Before he was born he thought about being born. Together with his Father there was a plan. And part of that great plan he spoke in the last hours of his life on earth: “For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world — to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice” (John 18:37).

He was the eternal Truth. He spoke only the truth. He acted out the greatest truth of love. And he is gathering into his eternal family all those who are born of the truth. This was the plan fro

m ancient days.





Memory verse: "Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches pour out your heart like water before the face of the LORD. Lift up your hands toward Him for the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street.” (Lamentations 2 vs 19.)

READ: Matthew 13 vs 24 - 25:

13:24: Another parable He put forth to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field, 

13:25: but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went away.


Prayer is the greatest privilege and ministry available to all Christians. Indeed everyone who seeks to take his or her place in the kingdom of God should seek or learn how to pray effectively. Because prayer is, in itself, our fellowship with the Father, He awaits us to come to Him in prayers, and consequently welcomes us into fellowship with Him. Prayer is very essential for every Christian. It is noteworthy that our Master. Jesus, never taught His disciples how to preach but rather taught them how to pray. He said to His disciples "When you pray" and not "If you pray," therefore, He requires us to be in fellowship with the Father always.

Prayer is the key to constant maintenance of God’s grace in our lives. A disciplined prayer life entails going to God in prayers often, preferably three times a day; morning, afternoon and night. The psalmist in Psalm 55 vs 17 says: “Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice" 

Praying in the night hours is considered the best timing as our prayers are usually interrupted during the day by the pressures of our daily schedule. In the night our concentration is highest, and our fellowship most effective. Night prayers arm us most effectively to overcome the overwhelming evils in the world. The evil doers usually perpetrate their evils in the night hours when most Christians are resting in their beds. 

In the passage we read today, Jesus told His followers a parable saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went away......" (Matthew 13 vs 24 - 25.) "While men slept" the evil doers—men of the underworld—are up in their covens, in their shrines, to perpetrate evil under the cover of darkness. 

When you fellowship with the Lord in prayers in the night hours, you are in His presence; the place of maximum protection, and the glory of God expels any form of darkness around you. The prince of this world and his cohorts cannot operate in His presence; for ‘He disappoints their devices so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.’ (Job 5 vs 12.)

Jesus Christ, in His ministry on earth, has always gone up to the mountains in the night hours to pray—communing with the Father, and obtaining all the powers required for His exploits; charged up fully in the night hours of prayers in readiness for daily exploits. Then, in the day time, He only gives thanks to the Father who always hears Him in their communion in the night: "Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God." (Luke 6 vs 12.)

Jesus has always chosen the night to isolate Himself to pray to the Father. His concentration in His fellowship with the Father in the night hours is at its maximum. No distractions of any sorts. This practice of fellowshipping with the Father and our Messiah Jesus, in the night hours, is very essential for every Christian to win our battles against the devil and his cohorts. Our battles with them is not physical, but spiritual; "For though we walk in the flesh! we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down strongholds," (Second Corinthians 10 vs 3 - 4.) 

Praying at the end of the day (at night) is an opportunity to thank the Lord for the blessings He gives and protection He provided us to live another day. Finishing your day with prayer is a powerful way to let go of anxiety and find peace before falling asleep. Regardless of what you suffered in the day, talking to God through a night prayer will revive your faith and assist you to sleep in peace. 

Night prayers also help you review all the experiences during your day and the ways that God has been present with you. Bedtime is the perfect time of day to look back on your day and count your blessings. By praying at bedtime allows you to stop and think about all the things that happened to you during the day, and take those moments to feel the gratitude and appreciation for all the little moments.

To effectively war with the devil and his cohorts we are required to arm ourselves with the whole armor of God; “Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6 vs 11 - 12.) It’s noteworthy that the whole armor of God is centered on prayer. And engaging in the spiritual warfare in prayers with the whole armor is most effective in the night hours when your concentration is at its peak and to intercept the the activities of the rulers of darkness of this world.

Prayer: Abba Father, in the night hours I will come to You in prayer with my whole heart and being to express my gratitude to You for all You did for me during the day, and commit to Your care my life against the activities of the rulers of darkness of this world. And I am persuaded that my petitions with sincerity of my whole heart will receive Your attention, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


Friday, 20 December 2024

Christmas Solidarity

 Christmas Solidarity

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)

The assembly line of Satan turns out millions of sins every day. He packs them into huge cargo planes and flies them to heaven and spreads them out before God and laughs and laughs and laughs.

Some people work full-time on the assembly line. Others have quit their jobs there and only now and then return.

Every minute of work on the assembly line makes God the laughingstock of Satan. Sin is Satan’s business because he hates the light and beauty and purity and glory of God. Nothing pleases him more than when creatures distrust and disobey their Maker.

Therefore, Christmas is good news for man and good news for God.

“The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). That’s good news for us.

“The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). That is also good news for God.

Christmas is good news for God because Jesus has come to lead a strike at Satan’s assembly plant. He has walked right into the plant, called for the Solidarity of the faithful, and begun a massive walkout.

Christmas is a call to go on strike at the assembly plant of sin. No negotiations with the management. No bargaining. Just single-minded, unswerving opposition to the product. We won’t be a part of making it anymore.

Christmas Solidarity aims to ground the cargo planes. It will not use force or violence, but with relentless devotion to Truth it will expose the life-destroying conditions of the devil’s industry.

Christmas Solidarity will not give up until a complete shutdown has been achieved.

When sin has been destroyed, God’s name will be wholly exonerated. No one will be laughing anymore.

If you want to give a gift to God this Christmas, walk off the assembly line of sin and don’t go back. Take up your place in the picket line of love. Join Christmas Solidarity until the majestic name of God is cleared, and he stands glorious amid the acco

lades of the righteous.

Thursday, 19 December 2024





Memory verse: "This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare." (First Timothy 1 vs 18.) 

READ: Second Peter 1 vs 19 - 21:

1:19: And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; 

1:20: knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 

1:21: for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.


In the Scriptures, prophecy signifies the speaking forth of the mind and counsel of God. Every prophecy is God's plan unfolded through a human vessel. It is the forth-telling of the will of God, whether with reference to the past, the present, or the future, through the spoken or written word of God. It is also a prophetic prediction of the future. Though much of the Old Testament prophecy was purely predictive, (see Micah 5 vs 2), it is not necessarily, nor even primarily fore-telling. It is a declaration of that which cannot be known by natural means; it is the knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source), and uttered under divine inspiration.

In the passage we read today, the apostle Peter stated that, "Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." What this means is that the Scriptures did not come from the creative work of the prophets' own invention or interpretation. God inspired the writers, so their message is authentic and reliable. God used the talents, education, and cultural background of each writer; and God cooperated with the writers in such a way to ensure that the message He intended was faithfully communicated in the very words they wrote.

So whatever God says to you through the Scriptures or through a human vessel (in prophecy) is His plan for you, and as far as He is concerned, it is settled. But what many Christians don't understand is that most prophecies don't get fulfilled without the application of certain kingdom forces.

You don't watch prophecies, you war with them, until they come into reality. In fact, a prophecy may look like falsehood or mockery, if you don't know what it takes to make it happen. There are oppositions that have set themselves to block your access into your promise land, so you must do something to make that prophecy a reality. 

To ensure the fulfillment of prophecy, you war with it, by going to God in prayers with the spoken word (the prophecy), reminding Him of His commitment to perform what He has spoken. Then you turn to the enemy and declare what is written concerning you, and that his activities are forbidden around you. 

God asks you to "Present your case, ...Bring forth your strong reasons." (Isaiah 41 vs 21.) Therefore, come before Him in prayers, reminding Him of what He said. He compels you to come and contend together with Him on what He said; stating your case appropriately before Him, that you may be acquitted, (See Isaiah 43 vs 26). Take His Word back to Him. God is faithful and He cannot deny Himself. He is committed to do anything He has said. 

For instance, in Deuteronomy 2 vs 24, God said to the children of Israel, "Rise, take your journey, and cross over the River Arnon. Look , I have given into your hand Sihon the Amorite, King of Heshbon, and his land. Begin to possess it and engage him in battle." God had given the children of Israel the land, but the devil somewhere is saying, "No, you can't have it." God's instruction to them was, "Rise up! Don't sit there expecting it to drop into your laps! Begin to possess what is yours; challenge and fight any opposition to your possessing what is given to you. And because God has spoken and given to you, the battle is already won if you obey because the battle is of the Lord’s. This tells you that you don't wait for things to happen, you make them happen. 

God says, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jeremiah 29 vs 11.) God has good thoughts and plans of a glorious future for us all. And He shows us how to bring them to pass: "Then you will call upon Me, and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me, and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”  (Jeremiah 29 vs 12 - 13.)

That means, "When you wait and you don't see the things I told you of, come and ask Me of them in prayers." It takes intercession and seeking the face of God to see the fulfillment of the great plans and visions He had told you about. God has set an expected end before you, but you must call upon Him and seek Him with all your heart if you want to enjoy it. Your seeking Him is an indication that you have faith in Him, and believes He can do what He has said.

The Scripture says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11 vs 6.) God assures us that all who honestly seek Him—who act in faith on the knowledge of God that they possess—will be rewarded.

Any Word of God or prophecy that you have received and believed will surely bring forth when you apply the relevant force or power of prayer to it. The Word is a seed (Luke 8 vs 11); but no matter how precious any seed may be, without planting the seed, it will never germinate, and without watering it when it is planted, it will die in the ground. Planting the seed of the Word is tantamount to believing the Word and exercising your faith in Him. Watering the planted seed is tantamount to applying the relevant prayer force or manure, as instructed by God, for effective reaping of the harvest resulting from the yield of the planted and nurtured seed.

Maybe you have sat down with that word too long. You can't keep on saying, "It will come to pass one day." Or keep saying, "Let the Will of God be done," nothing will happen without proper work. Rise up now and do what it takes to make it come to pass. Pray it down! May you never fail to obtain your promise from God in prophecy, in Jesus’ name. 

Prayer: Abba Father, forever Your Word is settled in heaven. Give me the grace to contend with You in prayers, that I may receive from You according to Your Word which You hasten to perform, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


Lonely Dirt Road"

 Lonely Dirt Road" 

Christmas Is for Freedom

 Christmas Is for Freedom

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. (Hebrews 2:14–15)

Jesus became man because what was needed was the death of a man who was more than man. The incarnation was God’s locking himself into death row.

Christ did not risk death. He chose death. He embraced it. That is precisely why he came: “not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

No wonder Satan tried to turn Jesus from the cross — in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1–11) and in the mouth of Peter (Matthew 16:21–23)! The cross was Satan’s destruction. How did Jesus destroy him?

Hebrews 2:14 says that Satan has “the power of death.” That means Satan has the ability to make death fearful. “The power of death” is the power that holds men in bondage through fear of death. It is the power to keep men in sin so that death comes as a dreadful thing.

But Jesus stripped Satan of this power. He disarmed him. He molded a breastplate of righteousness for us that makes us immune to the devil’s condemnation. How did he do this?

By his death, Jesus wiped away all our sins. And a person without sin cannot be condemned by Satan. Forgiven, we are finally indestructible. Satan’s plan was to destroy God’s rule by condemning God’s followers in God’s own courtroom. But now, in Christ, there is no condemnation. Satan’s treason is aborted. His cosmic treachery is foiled. “His rage we can endure, for, lo, his doom is sure.” The cross has run him through. And he will gasp his last before long. 

Christmas is for freedom. Freedom from the fear of death.

Jesus took our nature in Bethlehem, to die our death in Jerusalem — all that we might be fearless in our city today. Yes, fearless. Because if the biggest threat to my joy is gone, then why should I fret over the little ones? How can you say (really!), “Well, I’m not afraid to die but I’m afraid to lose my job”? No. No. Think!

If death (I said, death! — no pulse, cold, gone!) if death is no longer a fear, we’re free, really free. Free to take any risk under the sun for Christ and for love. No more enslavement to anxiety.

If the Son has set you free, you sha

ll be free, indeed!

Wednesday, 18 December 2024





Memory verse: ""But the hour is coming, and now is, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him."(John 4 vs 23.)

READ: Psalm 96 vs 1 - 9:

96:1: Oh sing to the LORD a new song! Sing to the LORD, all the earth.

96:2: Sing to the LORD, bless His name; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.

96:3: Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all people.

96:4: For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods.

96:5: For all the gods of the peoples are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.

96:6: Honour and majesty are before Him: strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.

96:7: Give to the LORD, O families of the peoples, give to the LORD glory and strength.

96:8: Give to the LORD the glory due to His name: bring an offering, and come into His courts.

96:9: Oh worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: tremble before Him, all the earth.


The worship of God is nowhere defined in Scripture. A consideration of the verbs that precede the object of worship shows that it is not confined to praise. Worship to the Lord is broadly regarded as the direct acknowledgment to God; of His nature, attributes, ways and claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise and thanksgiving or by deed done in such accomplishment. Worship should occupy the core of our lives and not just a few minutes once a week. 

God alone is worthy of being worshipped because of who He is! We are to sincerely, willingly and joyfully come into God’s presence, not just going through the motions. We can worship at any time if we stay aware of God’s presence and guidance in all situations and if we maintain an attitude of serving Him. To truly develop the attitude of worship to God, you should build your life around the worship of God rather than making worship just another activity in a busy schedule. 

The first step toward meaningful worship is a desire to know God. If we thirst for Him, the Bible promises that He will provide for us and satisfy our needs. Confess your sins that might be hindering your fellowship to God. Then ask God to stir your heart, to instill within you an unquenchable thirst to know Him. Meditate upon how God has revealed Himself in the Bible, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you again. When you see God in a new way, of who really He is, worship will be your only fitting response.

When you follow a worship ritual but maintain a sinful lifestyle, it’s not true worship. It is religion without personal commitment to God. Attending church, taking communion, teaching church school, singing in choir and so forth, all are empty exercises unless we are truly doing them for God. It is good to do these activities, not because we ought to do them for the church, but because we want to do them for God. God's heart is not touched by tradition in worship, but by passion and commitment of the worshiper.

When people claim to be close to God, but they are disobedient and merely going through the motions, such people come near to God with their mouth and honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him. Their worship is only routine rather than real. It is noteworthy that we are all capable of hypocrisy. Often we slip into routine patterns when we worship and neglect to give God our love and devotion. 

It takes time to worship, and setting aside the time allows us to adjust our attitudes before and reflect afterward. The pressures of everyday life may cause us to focus on the here and now and thus forget God. True worship is so important; it takes our eyes off our current worries, gives us a glimpse of God’s holiness, and allows us to look toward His future kingdom. God desires wholehearted worship. We show our commitment when we give God something of value to Him. God’s presence makes everything glorious, and worship brings us into His presence. 

Worship is not for your benefit, but for the benefit of who you offer it to—the Lord. Whatever anybody does that brings glory, honor, and is pleasurable to God is worship. Every activity can be transformed into an act of worship when you do it for the praise, glory, honor, and pleasure of God. You may not like the way I dance in the church, but if I dance to bring glory, honor, and pleasure to God, it is true worship. 

Any act of worship that is intended to please oneself is worshiping for the wrong reason—to please yourself, rather than God. Worship isn't for you. It's for God. Of course, most "worship" services also include elements of fellowship, edification, exhortation, and evangelism, and these are benefits to worship, but we don't worship to please ourselves. Our motive it to bring glory and pleasure to our Creator.

For many people, worship is just synonymous with music, especially slow style of music. They say such things as, "In our church we have worship first, then teaching." Or, "First we sing hymns, then praise and worship songs." Or, "I like the fast praise songs but enjoy the slow worship songs the most." All these are misconceptions. Every act of bringing glory to God or every part of a church service, is an act of worship; praying, Scripture reading, singing, confession, silence, being still, listening to a sermon, taking notes, giving offering, baptism, communion, signing a commitment card, and even greeting other worshipers.

Worship has nothing to do with the style or volume or speed of a song. God loves all kinds of music because He invented it all; the fast, and slow, the loud and soft, old and new. You probably don't like it all, but God does! If it is offered to God in spirit and truth, it is an act of worship. There are no styles nor music notes in the Bible. 

Frankly, the music style you like best says more about you—your background and personality—than it does about God. One ethnic group's music can sound like noise to another. But God likes variety and enjoys it all. There are no such thing as Christian music; there are only Christian lyrics. It is the words that make a song sacred, not the tune. 

Prayer: Abba Father, endue me with the spirit of true worship to You, that I may worship You acceptably. My utmost heart desire is that all I do in my life shall bring glory to Your name. Perfect Your strength in my weaknesses to enable accomplish this, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


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