Tuesday, 31 August 2021





Memory verse: "You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss that you may spend it on your pleasures.

" (James 4 vs 3).

READ: First John 3 vs 21 - 22; 5 vs 14 - 15

3:21; "Beloved, if our hearts does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God.

3:22: And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.

5:14: Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His Will, He hears us.

5:15: And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.


Sometimes we may pray to God for something and receive no answers, because our faith and confidence may have been dampened by our unclear conscience. Your conscience may have been smeared by unconfessed sin, thereby impacting negatively on your confidence in God. If your conscience is clear, you can come to God without fear, confident that your requests will be heard. But if you have doubts, expect to receive nothing from the Lord.  The apostle James says; "But let him ask in faith with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord" (James 1 vs 6 - 7).

Sometimes we ask for the wrong things or with wrong reasons. And this is the obstacle that blocks the prayers of the materialist. He ask for riches that he can consume upon his own lusts. God answers those prayers that are expressed to Him with unselfish motives. He is always ready to grant our needs in accordance to His promise. He created us for His own purpose and desires, and not for ours. He knows our needs even before we ask them (Matthew 6 vs 8), and He is ready to provide those needs at His own appointed time, and in accordance with His plan and purpose for our lives.

When we communicate with God, we don't demand what we want, rather we discuss with Him what He wants for us. We must ask according to His will, for God does not work contrary to His will in answer to prayer. If we align our prayers to His Will, He will listen, and we are sure of receiving answer to our petition. We must ask upon the condition that we are obedient to His will, for God works through the lives of those who are carrying out His work in the world. God does not grant requests that violates the principles of His kingdom. 

For instance, Jesus Christ taught us thus; "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you" (Matthew 5 vs 44). When you pray to God to kill your enemies God will not answer such prayer because it is outside the Will of God. Though your enemy may die for incurring the wrath of God for evil they committed but not from an answer to your prayers.

The other reasons why we don't receive answers to our prayers include: 

1. When we ask for knowledge beyond our ability to understand or accept. For instance, in Judges 13 vs 17 - 18, when the Angel came to Manoah (the father of Samson) and his wife to announce the birth of their son Samson, Manoah wanted to know the name of the Angel of the Lord. The Angel responded "Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?". The Angel was saying that his name was a mystery and beyond understanding and too wonderful to imagine. Manoah asked the Angel for an answer he wouldn't have understood.

2. When you have not followed God's previous directions, answers to your prayers may be hindered. If you don't fulfill the responsibilities God has already given you, then don't be surprised when He does not give further guidance. Saul did not obey the voice of the Lord nor execute His fierce wrath upon Amalek, When Saul prayed to God, he didn't receive any answers again. (Study First Samuel 15, and 28 vs 16-18).

3. When God may be directing you to a greater purpose in your life. David wanted to build a temple for God which He refused because God was planning to do something even greater in David's life than allowing him the prestige of building the temple. (Study Second Samuel 7 vs 8 - 16). Have you prayed with good intentions, only to have God say no? This is God's way of directing you to a greater purpose in your life. Accepting God's no requires as great faith as carrying on his yes. 

4. When you are not keeping God’s commandments (John 8 vs 29). When one lives an obedient life, however, he can know that God is working in answer to his prayers.

5. When you are not doing the things that are pleasing to God. We would assume, therefore, that God does not answer the prayers of those who willingly live a rebellious life against His will. 

Prayer: Abba Father, I desire to do Your will always. By my strength I cannot prevail. Give me the grace to be obedient to You and to do the things that please You. Holy Spirit, my Senior Partner, help me to pray aright, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


The Lion and the Lamb

 “Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved with whom my soul is well pleased. I will put my Spirit upon him, and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles. He will not quarrel or cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets; a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory; and in his name the Gentiles will hope.” (Matthew 12:18–21, quoting Isaiah 42)

The Father’s very soul exults with joy over the servant-like meekness and compassion of his Son.

When a reed is bent and about to break, the Servant will tenderly hold it upright until it heals. When a wick is smoldering and has scarcely any heat left, the Servant will not pinch it off, but cup his hand and blow gently until it burns again.

Thus the Father cries, “Behold, my Servant in whom my soul delights!” The worth and beauty of the Son come not just from his majesty, nor just from his meekness, but from the way these mingle in perfect proportion.

When the angel cries out in Revelation 5:2, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” the answer comes back, “Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals” (Revelation 5:5).

God loves the strength of the Lion of Judah. This is why he is worthy in God’s eyes to open the scrolls of history and unfold the last days.

But the picture is not complete. How did the Lion conquer? The next verse describes his appearance: “And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain” (Revelation 5:6). Jesus is worthy of the Father’s delight not only as the Lion of Judah, but also as the slain Lamb.

This is the peculiar glory of Jesus Christ, God’s incarnate Son — the stunning mingling of majesty and meekness.

Monday, 30 August 2021





Memory verse: "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (First Corinthians 13 vs 13.)

READ: Mark 12 vs 28 vs 31:

12:28: Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?”

12:29: Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God, the Lord is one.

12:30: And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.

12:31: And the second, like it, is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.


Love is having great affection for, feeling a passionate attraction to. Biblically, It is described as the basic first cause, and ultimate expression of God and man as well. It is the Christian gospel, and church ethics. It is a fruit of the Spirit. Love describes God; “God is love” (First John 4 vs 8 & 16). Love as used of God, expresses the deep and constant love and interest of a perfect Being towards entirely unworthy objects, producing and fostering a reverential love in them towards the Giver, and a practical love towards those who are partakers of the same, and a desire to help others to seek the Giver.

Christian love has God for its primary object, and expresses itself first of all, in implicit obedience, to His commandments. Self-will, that is, self-pleasing, is the negation of love to God. Christian love, whether exercised toward the brethren, or toward men generally, is not an impulse from the feelings, it does not always run with the natural inclinations, nor does it spend itself only upon those for whom some affinity is discovered. Love seeks the welfare of all (Romans 15 vs 2), and works no ill to any (Romans 13 vs 8 - 10); love seeks opportunity to do good to all men, especially toward them that are of the household of the faith (Galatians 6 vs 10). 

The intent of God’s law is to promote love to God and others. Consequently, the Christian faith involves many rules that are meant to be governed by love. That makes love the highest rule, but it also moves Christians toward personal sacrifice, discipline, and responsibility, which are scarce resources in today’s world. When confronted with rules of your own or others, ask: (1) Does the rule serve God’s purpose? (2) Does the rule reveal God’s character? (3) Does the rule help people get into God’s family, or keep them out? (4) Does the rule have biblical roots that can be supported in the context of all Scripture? Good rules pass all four tests.

Everything concerning God is summed up in love. His laws can be reduced to two simple principles: Love God and love others. When you love God completely and care for others as you care for yourself, then you have fulfilled the intent of God’s Law.—the “Ten Commandments.” According to Jesus, these two commandments summarize all God’s laws. Let them rule your thoughts, decisions, and actions. When you are uncertain about what to do, ask yourself which course of action best demonstrates love for God and love for others.

Love can be known only from the actions it prompts. God’s love is seen in the gift of His Son: “In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (First John 4 vs 9 - 10). Obviously this is not the love of complacency, or affection, that is, it was not drawn out by any excellence in its object: “But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5 vs 8). It was an exercise of the divine will in deliberate choice, made without assignable cause save that which lies in the nature of God Himself.

Love explains: (1) why God creates—because He loves, He creates people to love; (2) why God cares—because He loves them, He cares for sinful people; (3) why we are free to choose—God wants a loving response from us; (4) why Christ died—His love for us caused Him to offer a solution to the problem of sin; and (5) why we receive eternal life—God’s love expresses itself to us forever.

Real love is an action, not a feeling. It produces selfless, sacrificial giving. The greatest act of love is giving oneself for others. The Scripture says, “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (First John 3 vs 16). How can we “lay down our lives?” By serving others with no thought of receiving anything in return. Sometimes it is easier to say we’ll die for others than to truly live for them—this involves putting others’ desires first. Jesus taught this same principle of love, He said, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15 vs 13.) 

We are to love each other as Jesus loved us, and He loved us enough to give His life of inestimable value for ours that are completely worthless because of sin. We may not have to die for someone, but there are other ways to practice sacrificial love: listening, helping, encouraging, giving, caring. Evaluate your lifestyle, and measure your obedience to the highest rule! You can start right away: Think of someone in particular who needs this kind of love today. Give all the love you can, and then try to give a little more. Then make it a regular practice.

Prayer: Abba Father, You are love, and has poured out Your love in our hearts by the Holy SpiritYou have given to us. Give me the grace and empowerment to love as You love, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed. Amen.


Sunday, 29 August 2021

Church Growth God’s Way

 It is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. (Romans 9:8)

Picture the Old Testament Abraham as a pastor. The Lord says, “I will bless you and prosper your ministry.” But the church is barren and bears no children.

What does Abraham do? He begins to despair of supernatural intervention. He is getting old. His wife remains barren. So he decides to bring about God’s promised son without supernatural intervention. He has sex with Hagar his wife’s handmaid (Genesis 16:4). However, the result is not a “child of the promise,” but a “child of the flesh,” Ishmael.

God stuns Abraham by saying, “I will give you a son by her [your wife Sarah]” (Genesis 17:16). So Abraham cries out to God, “Oh that Ishmael might live before you!” (Genesis 17:18). He wants the work of his own natural, human effort to be the fulfillment of God’s promise. But God says, “No, but Sarah your wife shall bear you a son” (Genesis 17:19).

But Sarah is 90 years old. She has been barren all her life, and she has already passed through menopause (Genesis 18:11). Abraham is 100. The only hope for a child of promise is stunning, supernatural intervention.

That is what it means to be a “child of the promise” — to be born “not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:13). The only children that count for children of God in this world are supernaturally begotten children of promise. In Galatians 4:28 Paul says, “You [Christians], like Isaac, are children of promise.” You are “born according to the Spirit,” not according to the flesh (Galatians 4:29).

Think of Abraham as a pastor again. His church is not growing the way he believes God promised. He is weary of waiting for supernatural intervention. He turns to the “Hagar” of mere human devices, and decides he can “attract people” without the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit.

However, it will not be a church of Isaacs, but Ishmaelites — children of the flesh, not children of God. God save us from this kind of fatal success. By all means work. But always look to the Lord for the decisive, supernatural work. “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord” (Proverbs 21:31).







Memory verse: "By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” (Second Peter 1 vs 4.)

READ: Second Peter 1 vs 2 - 4:

1:2: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord,

1:3: as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 

1:4: by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.


Many Christians still have not understood fully the finished work of Christ for them. The finished work is like undeveloped resources in the African Continent. The finished work still remains the only source of our ability to live for God, have a relationship with Him, and obtain and harness all the promises of God to us, live a prosperous life, and have good success.  Who has imagined or knows what it might mean, or what it means if that nature of God is fully harnessed, and  utilized by every human who has received it.


All things that relates to life and godliness has already been given to us through our knowledge of Jesus, and that we have become the partakers of His very nature—divine nature. This nature is called Eternal life. Eternal life is the substance and being of God. He allows us to be "partakers of the divine nature" in order to keep us from sin and help us live for Him. When we are born again, God, by His Spirit, empowers us with His own moral goodness.  

The nature of God comes with the operation of the Spirit of God in us. It is God’s nature to work through the Spirit—the third Person in the Trinity. In the beginning of creation, the Spirit was with God and hovering over all the surface of the deep. When God spoke His Word, the Spirit performed the spoken Word. It was that same Spirit that was operative in Jesus at the time of His redemptive works. That same Spirit has been given to us as believers. 

The Bible in Romans 8 vs 11 says, "But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." As partakers of His divine nature, the same Spirit grants us the creative ability that manifested in creation. The miracle-working power that was manifested in Jesus is imparted to us. In fact, all the nine gifts of the Spirit are made available to us. It is for this reason that Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and they may have it more abundantly." (John 10 vs 10.)

In new creation, we are born of the Spirit, and we are spirit. (John 3 vs 6.) We have been born of incorruptible seed through the Word of God which lives and abides forever. (First Peter 1 vs 23.) Now that we have realized that we have in us His divine ability, you then ask, "How can this be utilized?" It is acting upon His Word, living the Word life, knowing that all His promises are real and for you to receive, if you believe. Knowing that you have your inheritance in Him (Colossians 1 vs 12). 

While He is at work in us, we, as theatre of His marvelous works, should show the excellencies of Him. The Scriptures in First Peter 2 vs 9 made that clear, "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own purchased, special people, that you set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him, Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (Amplified Version.) Here is the gold mine. We are an elect people. We are God's own possessions. He set us apart that we may unveil the hidden treasures of grace by God at work in us. He is illuminating us, leading us into all the truth and reality. 

In Colossians 2 vs 3, the Scriptures says, “In Whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden." And He has given us light and ability to know what these treasures are. The knowledge of what He has done; knowledge of what He is to do in us; knowledge of what we are; knowledge of what we may do with His ability. And He has also made available the wisdom to utilize all these varied knowledge.

Prayer: Abba Father, You recreated me in Christ with Your divine ability. In Christ tYou have given me all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge to lead a victorious and triumphant life here on this earth, and have promised to give me the crown of glory—eternal life with You. Give me the grace to remain faithful and obedient till the end, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.



Six Things It Means to Be in Christ Jesus

 [God] saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began. (2 Timothy 1:9)

Being “in Christ Jesus” is a stupendous reality. It is breathtaking to be united to Christ. Bound to Christ.

If you are “in Christ” listen to what it means for you:

In Christ Jesus you were given grace before the world was created. Second Timothy 1:9, “He gave us grace in Christ Jesus before the ages began.”

In Christ Jesus you were chosen by God before creation. Ephesians 1:4, “[God] chose us in [Christ] before the foundation of the world.”

In Christ Jesus you are loved by God with an inseparable love. Romans 8:38–39, “I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

In Christ Jesus you were redeemed and forgiven for all your sins. Ephesians 1:7, “In [Christ] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses.”

In Christ Jesus you are justified before God and the righteousness of God in Christ is imputed to you. Second Corinthians 5:21, “For our sake [God] made [Christ] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

In Christ Jesus you have become a new creation and a son of God. Second Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” Galatians 3:26, “In Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.”

I pray that you will never grow weary of exploring and exulting in the inexhaustible privilege of being “in Christ Jesus.”

Saturday, 28 August 2021





Memory verse: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (Matthew 7 vs 7.)

READ: Psalm 34 vs 4 - 15 & 22

34 vs 4: I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

5: They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed.

6: This poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of his troubles.

7: The angel of the LORD encamps all round those who fear Him, and delivers them.

8: Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

9: Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him.

10: The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing.

11: Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.

12: Who is the man who desires life, and loves many days, that he may see good?

13: Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.

14: Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it.

15: The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.

22: The LORD redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.


God promises great blessings to His people, but most of these blessings require active participation in seeking Him. In the passage we read, He promised to set us free from our fears (34:4), deliver us from trouble (34:6), guard and defend us (34:7), show us goodness (34:8), supply our needs (34:9), listen when we call to Him (34:15), and redeem us (34:22). The Lord continues to deliver His people in order that they not become desolate. 

But we must do our part. We can appropriate His blessings when we seek Him (34:4, 10), that is, cry out to Him (34:6), trust Him (34:8), fear (reverence) Him (34:9), refrain from lying (34:13), turn from evil, do good, search for peace (34:14), and serve Him (34:22). The fear of the Lord delivers us from the fear of man. The result of keeping one’s face toward the Lord is that the radiance of the Lord flows from one’s heart and is perceived in one’s life. God is ever willing to protect and provide for those who seek peace with man as a result of their desire to do God’s will. 

Prayer is your lifeline to God, hence we should prayer regularly to ensure our line of seeking Him is open at all times. The apostle Paul echoes it thus, "Pray without ceasing." (First Thessalonians 5 vs 17.) Seeking God in prayers regularly, no matter what, ensures God's guidance and strength that is needed at all times, to appropriate His promised blessings to ourselves. Regular and constant praying habit ensures a disciplined life of prayer. Though our prayers are usually interrupted by pressures of our schedules, developing a regular prayer time makes you develop a prayerful attitude at all times. 

This attitude is built upon acknowledging our dependence on God, realizing His presence within us, and determining to obey Him fully. This would be obedience to the Lord as a result of recognizing His awesomeness. In order to be God’s son, one must have a right attitude toward God that results in a life-style of obedience to His will. If one will see good in his life, then he must submit to the will of the Lord.

Daniel had a disciplined prayer life and prayed three times daily. He never allowed threats or pressure of his schedules interrupt his prayer life. Daniel was a foreigner, exiled in Babylon, but never gave up his disciplined prayer life amidst all pressures of life. Daniel hugely partook of the attendant blessings associated with seeking God. God bestowed great wisdom on him and he enjoyed the presence and favour of God in his life. Daniel, a captive from Israel, became an adviser of kings in a foreign land. He served as an adviser to two Babylonian kings and two Medo-Persian Kings (Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius and Cyrus). (Daniel chapter 6 .)

The Bible interchangeably uses fear of the LORD, for seeking the LORD. The fear of the LORD in the Scriptures denote reverential fear of God, not to dread Him, or being scared of Him. It is to show Him deep respect, reverence, and honor, demonstrated by a humble attitude and genuine worship. We reverence God as a controlling motive of our lives in spiritual and moral matters. It is not mere fear of His power and righteous retribution, but a wholesome dread of displeasing Him. A fear which banishes the terror that shrinks from His presence, and which influences the disposition and attitude of one whose circumstances are guided by trust in God, through the indwelling Spirit of God. 

Prayer: Abba Father, endue me with the spirit absolute dependence and obedience to You that will engender a regular praying life-style, that I may, all the time, appropriate to myself Your promised blessings in seeking You, in Jesus Name I have prayed, Amen.


Forgiven for Jesus’s Sake

 For your name’s sake, O Lord, pardon my guilt, for it is great. (Psalm 25:11)

In knowing what is right, God does not consult any authority higher than himself. His own worth is the ultimate value in the universe. Therefore, for God to do what is right means acting in a way that accords with this ultimate value.

The righteousness of God is the infinite zeal and joy and pleasure that he has in what is supremely valuable, namely, his own perfection and worth. And if he were ever to act contrary to this eternal passion for his own perfections, he would be unrighteous — he would be an idolater.

How shall such a righteous God ever set his affection on sinners like us who have scorned his perfections? But the wonder of the gospel is that in his divine righteousness lies also the very foundation of our salvation.

The infinite regard that the Father has for the Son makes it possible for me, a wicked sinner, to be loved and accepted in the Son, because in his death he vindicated the worth and glory of his Father.

Because of Christ, we can pray with new understanding the prayer of the psalmist, “For your name’s sake, O Lord, pardon my guilt, for it is great” (Psalm 25:11). The new understanding is that, because of Christ, instead of only praying, “For your name’s sake, pardon my guilt,” we now pray, “For Jesus’s name’s sake, O God, pardon my guilt.”

First John 2:12 says, “I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name’s sake,” referring to Jesus. Jesus has now atoned for sin and vindicated the Father’s honor so that our “sins are forgiven for his name’s sake.”

God is righteous. He does not sweep sin under the rug. If a sinner goes free, someone dies to vindicate the infinite worth of God’s glory that the sinner defamed. That is what Christ did. Therefore, “For your name’s sake, O Lord” and “For Jesus’s name’s sake” are the same. And that is why we pray with confidence for forgiveness.

Friday, 27 August 2021





Memory verse: "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven." (John 3 vs 27.)

READ Deuteronomy 8 vs 11 - 18:

8:11: Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgements, and His statutes which I command you today,

8:12: lest - when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them,

8:13: and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and gold are multiplied, and all that you have multiplied;

8:14: when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage;

8:15: who led you through that great and terrible wilderness, in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water; who brought water for you out of the flinty rock;

8:16: who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do you good in the end - 

8:17: then you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.' 

8:18: And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day."


All we have; gifts, abilities, talents, and possessions came from God. He gives us the power to get everything we have, and also, asks us to manage it for Him. It's important for us to recognize that He is our source, regardless of how much effort we put into earning a living. In an environment and economy of material prosperity, however, there is always the temptation to forget God. People tend to take for granted all that they receive from God, and thus pride themselves in their own accomplishments. 

Consequently, their allegiance which should have remained focused on God, turned to a focus on themselves as a result. In times of plenty, we often take credit for our prosperity and become proud that our own hard work and cleverness have made us rich. And when we get so busy collecting and managing our gifts, the tendency is that we push God right out of our lives. Don't forget God in your abundance, or He will remove His blessing from you.

The interesting thing about this Scripture in Deuteronomy 8 vs 18, is that God was talking to the children of Israel who would eventually enter into the Promised Land. They were going to be living in homes built for giants. The fields already had the rocks cleared out of them, the furrows were dug, and the crops were planted. The Israelites were going to step in and benefit from the labor of others. God was telling them not to forget the source of their wealth when they went from living in the desert to living in mansions with abundant property. In context, God was saying, "Don't think you got wealthy by your own might or power. I'm the One who made you rich, and I did it to establish My covenant upon the earth." The covenant He made with Abraham (Genesis 12 vs 1 - 3).

The same is true for us today. God is the One who makes us wealthy. The people of our generation live at a level of relative prosperity that most people throughout history couldn't have dreamed of, yet we didn't do anything to be born at this time. We didn't cause ourselves to be born into such opportunity and freedom. It is quite obvious that the ability to prosper is a gift from God, and we can't boast of the opportunities we have been given. 

The apostle Paul emphasizes this in First Corinthians 4 vs 7, "For who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?" Whatever you are; your talent, wisdom, skills etc, whatever assets you have; money, properties, etc, and whatever position you occupy in life, are all the act and doing of the LORD. Acknowledge Him, give Him thanks, and use your gifts properly—for service to Him. You are blessed to be a blessing (Genesis 12 vs 2).

The remedy of materialism is to remember Him from whom all blessings flow. The materialist creates a god who originates from within himself, and thus, he humanistically worships his own ability to perform and produce.

The humanist focuses on the ability of man to perform, but the saint focuses on God who brings power to one’s effort to work to the glory of God. When we are blessed, therefore, all glory must be given to God who gave us the gifts to produce, and also gave increase to the work of our hands. Our recognition of the fruits of our hands, therefore, is an opportunity to be grateful to God for working in our lives. 

Prayer: Abba Father, Only You strengthens me to do all I do, and all I have You have given me. You have daily loaded me with Your benefits, and I am forever grateful and thankful. Engrace me to properly administer Your gifts to me, that I may be a blessing to others, and a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly applying myself for the interest of the kingdom, in Jesus Name I have prayed, Amen.


Jesus Will Trample All Our Enemies


Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. (1 Corinthians 15:24)

How far does the reign of Christ extend?

The next verse, 1 Corinthians 15:25 says, “He must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” The word all tells us the extent.

So does the word every in verse 24: “Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power.”

There is no disease, no addiction, no demon, no bad habit, no fault, no vice, no weakness, no temper, no moodiness, no pride, no self-pity, no strife, no jealousy, no perversion, no greed, no laziness that Christ will not overcome as the enemy of his honor.

And the encouragement in that promise is that when you set yourself to do battle with the enemies of your faith and your holiness, you will not fight alone.

Jesus Christ is now, in this age, putting all his enemies under his feet. Every rule and every authority and every power will be conquered.

So, remember that the extent of Christ’s reign reaches to the smallest and biggest enemy of his glory in your life, and in this universe. It will be defeated.

Thursday, 26 August 2021





Memory verse: "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." (Second Peter 3 vs 9.)

READ: Psalm 103 vs 8 - 14:

103:8: The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.

103:9: He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever.

103:10: He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities.

103:11: For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him;

103:12: As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

103:13: As a father pities his children, so the LORD pities those who fear Him.

103:14: For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.



We have an inspired record of God’s dealings with the nation of Israel in order to understand how gracious God can be with our rebellion. One of such records is the passage we read today. God was patient with Israel. He was forgiven. He cared for them as a father lovingly cares for his children. God will not always reprimand, though there were times when His children had to be disciplined. But God will not continuously do so day after day. Because of His forgiveness and mercy, He does not punish His people with what they deserve for their sins. Their rebellion would justly deserve death, but because of His mercy, He only disciplines. 

We serve a patient God who is timeless in His desire that men turn to serve Him. Though He is patient, there will be a time when He will bring the destruction on the unrighteous. We do not serve a mean God. He is not one who seeks to eternally destroy man from His presence. He is not a God who ha predestined some to destruction. He does not want men to be destroyed in the great destruction that will be coming upon those who do not obey the gospel. (See Second Thessalonians 1 vs 7 - 9.) On the contrary God desires that men repent. He desires that they turn their lives to obedient behavior of the divine will.

Our Heavenly Father extends grace far beyond the usual time by waiting or enduring without complaint or reprisal. The Bible in Exodus 34 vs 6 - 7 says: "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty....." In His kindness God holds back His judgement, giving people time to repent. It is easy to mistake God's patience for approval of wrong way we are living. Self evaluation is difficult, and it is even more difficult to expose our conduct to God and let Him tell us where we need to change. In our thought, we just don't put God in our timetable. 

God is not slow; He is just not in our timetable. Because of the open invitation; without any time frame attached, or given, to us to come to Him, we tend to put Him out of our timetable. Like God the Father, God the Son, Jesus, is waiting so that more sinners will repent and turn to Him. We must not sit and wait for Christ to return, but we should realize that time is short and we have important work to do. As Christians we must pray constantly that God will point out our sins, so that He can heal them. Unfortunately, we are more likely to be amazed at God's patience with others than humbled by His patience with us.

God is ever merciful. He is good and His mercies endures forever. Though this Nature of God is repeated severally in the Bible, but the psalmist in Psalm 136 repeated it throughout the psalm. Repeating this phrase, "For His mercy endures forever," shows the truth in it, and makes the important lesson sink in. "Mercy" is a translation of a Hebrew word that includes aspects of love, kindness, mercy, and faithfulness. We never have to worry that God will run out of love because it flows from a well that will never run dry.

Mercy the translation of the Greek word "Eleos," which is the outward manifestation of pity; it assumes need on the part of him who receives it, and resources adequate to meet the need on the part of him who shows it. God is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2 vs 4), and out of His mercy has provided salvation for all men (Titus 3 vs 5), for Jews (Luke 1 vs 72), and Gentiles (Romans 15 vs 9). He is merciful to those who fear Him (Luke 1 vs 50), for they are compassed with iniquity, and He alone can succor them. 

Now that we have known of God's patience and merciful nature, we should not overstretch it or take it for granted. But we should be ready to meet Christ any time, even today, planning our course of service as though He may not return for many years, and if we miss it now, we may have missed it forever.

Prayer: Abba Father, You are a merciful, patient, and just God. Let Your mercy locate me today, and always that I may find grace to do according to Your precepts at all times, in Jesus' Name I have prayed, Amen.


Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Shadows and Streams


May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works, who looks on the earth and it trembles, who touches the mountains and they smoke! I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being. May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord. (Psalm 104:31–34)

God rejoices in the works of creation because they point us beyond themselves to God himself.

God means for us to be stunned and awed by his work of creation. But not for its own sake. He means for us to look at his creation and say: If the mere work of his fingers (just his fingers! Psalm 8:3) is so full of wisdom and power and grandeur and majesty and beauty, what must this God be like in himself!

These are but the backside of his glory, as it were, darkly seen through a glass. What will it be to see the glory of the Creator himself! Not just his works! A billion galaxies will not satisfy the human soul. God and God alone is the soul’s end.

Jonathan Edwards expressed it like this:

The enjoyment of God is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here. . . . [These] are but shadows; but God is the substance. These are but scattered beams; but God is the sun. These are but streams; but God is the ocean.

This is why Psalm 104 comes to a close in verses 31–34 with a focus on God himself. “I will sing praise to my God while I have being. . . . For I rejoice in the Lord.” In the end it will not be the seas or the mountains or the canyons or the water spiders or the clouds or the great galaxies that fill our hearts to breaking with wonder and fill our mouths with eternal praise. It will be God himself.

When God’s Love Is Sweetest

 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word. (Ephesians 5:25–26)

If you only hope for unconditional love from God, your hope is great, but too small.

Unconditional love from God is not the sweetest experience of his love. The sweetest experience is when his love says, “I have made you so much like my Son that I delight to see you and be with you. You are a pleasure to me, because you are so radiant with my glory.”

This sweetest experience is conditional on our transformation into the kind of people whose emotions and choices and actions please God.

Unconditional love is the source and foundation of the human transformation that makes the sweetness of conditional love possible. If God did not love us unconditionally, he would not penetrate our unattractive lives, bring us to faith, unite us to Christ, give us his Spirit, and make us progressively like Jesus.

But when he unconditionally chooses us, and sends Christ to die for us, and regenerates us, he puts in motion an unstoppable process of transformation that makes us glorious. He gives us a splendor to match his favorite kind: his own.

We see this in Ephesians 5:25–27. “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her [unconditional love], that he might sanctify her . . . and present the church to himself in splendor” — the condition in which he delights.

It is unspeakably wonderful that God would unconditionally set his favor on us while we are still unbelieving sinners. The ultimate reason this is wonderful is that this unconditional love brings us into the everlasting enjoyment of his glorious presence.

But the apex of that enjoyment is that we not only see his glory, but also reflect it. “The name of our Lord Jesus [will] be glorified in you, and you in him” (2 Thessalonians 1:12).





Memory verse: "The other disciples therefore said to him, "We have seen the Lord." So he said to them, "Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe." (John 20 vs 25.)

READ: John 20 vs 24 - 29:

20:24: Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 

20:25: The other disciples therefore said to him, "We have seen the Lord." So he said to them, "Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.

20:26: And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, "Peace to you!" 20:27: Then He said to Thomas, "Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing."

20:28: And Thomas answered and said to Him. "My Lord and my God!" 

20:29: Jesus said to him, "Thomas because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.


So many people in the world today will hardly believe anything until they see the proof of that thing. Even in the Christendom many are in this category - “The seeing is believing believers.” These are the believers ruled by their sense knowledge. Until they see signs and wonders and miracles, they will not believe. Such people hardly have divine encounters because of their unbelief. 

Have you ever wished you could actually see Jesus, touch Him and Hear Him speak to you or hear His words? Are there times you want to sit down with Him and get His advice or get clarification or confirmation of what He said in the Scripture? That is to say you want His physical presence. But God’s plan is wiser. He has not limited Himself to one physical body; He wants to be present with you at all times. Even now He is with you in the form of the Holy Spirit. You can talk to Him, and you can find His words to you in the pages of the Bible. If you believe, He can be as real as He was to Thomas.

Thomas was a sense knowledge believer. He had to see in order to believe. His senses had to be satisfied. He could not take the Word of God independent of his senses. We are confronted continually with that type of believers as majority of Christians are in that category. But remember the word of Jesus to Thomas; “Do not be unbelieving, but believing," and “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” The seeing is believing “believers” will want the symptoms of the ailment disappear completely before they believe their divine healing. They hardly believe in the finished work of Christ in their lives as stated in Isaiah 53 vs 4 - 5; “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows....and by His stripes we are healed.” 

Some people think they would believe in Jesus if they could see a definite sign or miracle. But Jesus says we are blessed if we can believe without seeing. We have all the proof we need in the words of the Bible and the testimony of believers. A physical appearance would not make Jesus any more real to us than He is now.

God our Creator knows how humans are ruled by their senses, and in His infinite and great grace came down into the realm of the senses in the person of Christ to associate with us. Christ was offered as a sacrifice in the full glare of the people, therefore, they saw Him die on the cross, buried, and on the third day rose from the dead, and appeared among the disciples, let them see Him, hear Him, and feel Him, to satisfy their sense knowledge.

The beloved apostle John declares in First John 1 vs 1 - 3: "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life - the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us - that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also will have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son Jesus Christ."

Now take note of the statement, "that which we have seen and heard we are telling you," is sense knowledge evidence. That was all right in the early church. During the first fifteen years, the early church lived very largely in the realm of sense knowledge faith. We have many today that cannot believe beyond what their senses register. However, God allowed the early believers to see signs and wonders on the day of Pentecost because they were babes, just newborn in the Christendom. They new nothing of the finished work of Christ. None of them believed or knew about His substitutionary work. That was to come later through the revelation Christ gave to the apostle Paul.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, do not be unbelieving, but believing. If God has said it, believe it, and it will surely manifest in your life as said.  Remember, "all things are possible to him who believes." ( Mark 9 vs 23.)

Prayer: Abba Father, engrace me with the spirit of exceeding faith in You and Your Word, for all things will be possible to me for Your Word is truth, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


Tuesday, 24 August 2021

The Message of Creation

 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. (Romans 1:22–23)

It would be a great folly and a great tragedy if a man loved his wedding ring more than he loved his bride. But that is what this passage says has happened.

Human beings have fallen in love with the echo of God’s excellence in creation, and lost the ability to hear the incomparable, original shout of love and power and glory.

The message of creation is this:

There is a great God of glory and power and generosity behind all this awesome universe; you belong to him because he made you. He is patient with you in sustaining your rebellious life. Turn and bank your hope on him and delight yourself in him, not merely his handiwork.

According to Psalm 19:1–2, day pours forth the “speech” of that message to all who will listen in the day, speaking with blindingly bright sun and blue sky and clouds and untold shapes and colors and beautiful designs of all things visible. Night pours forth the “knowledge” of the same message to all who will listen at night, speaking with great dark voids and summer moons and countless stars and strange sounds and cool breezes and northern lights.

Day and night are saying one thing: God is glorious! God is glorious! God is glorious! Turn away from the creation as your supreme satisfaction, and delight yourself in the Lord of glory.





Memory verse: "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”. (Ecclesiastes 3 vs 1.)

READ: Ecclesiastes 3 vs 2 - 8:

3:2: A time to be born, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted;

3:3: A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to break down, and a time to build up;

3:4: A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time dance;

3:5: A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

3:6: A time to gain, and a time to lose; A time to keep, and a time to throw away;

3:7: A time to tear, and a time to sew; A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

3:8: A time to love, and a time to hate; A time to war, and a time of peace.


God has a plan and purpose for all people, and for all things. He provides circles of life, each with its work for us to do. Times for the good, and times for the bad. All these are from God and are purposed by Him in His perfect plan and timing. Although we may face many problems that seem to contradict God's plan, these should not be barriers to believing Him, but rather opportunities to discover that without God, life's problems have no lasting solutions! 

Timing is of essence in the journey of life. All the experiences listed in those verses in the passage we read today are appropriate at certain times. These verses express a divine order of things into which one must plug his or her life in order to enjoy the contentment that comes from knowing that God has all things under control. The secret to peace with God is to discover, accept, and appreciate God's perfect timing. The danger is to doubt or resent God's timing. This can lead to despair, rebellion, or moving ahead without His advice.

In life you never arrive; you are always on the road toward your destiny. The process of becoming the you God sees is hard work in the vineyard of God. It is the end result of hard work, many trials and tribulations, and, of course, triumph and victories. Though omnipresent and omniscient, God is mindful of every individual of His creation. We might be concerned that our understanding of the awesomeness of God might lead us to believe that He is indifferent to the details of His creation, and thus might overlook individuals. But God even knew each of us while we were still in our mother’s womb, before we were even taking form. 

God’s timing is inherent in your becoming the person God ordained you to be. You are forever in the process of becoming the person you will be. The word “becoming” implies the direction you are taking in your personal spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual growth and development. Life is a journey: it's not a destination. Every ending is a new beginning to your future, and every beginning is an ending to your past. Endeavor to continuously be taking the bold steps forward in your journey of “becoming,” and toward your glorious destiny. A step out of the way is costly and requires greater efforts to step back on the way.

It's obvious this is unachievable without Christ. By our own abilities, we will always crash. The Bible notes it in First Samuel 2 vs 9, "For by strength no man shall prevail." It's only God that makes all things possible with us. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4 vs 13). It is the power we receive in union with Christ that sufficiently helps us to do God's Will and to face the challenges that arise from our commitment to doing it. 

Prayer: Abba Father, show me the path of life that I may work in it. In Your leading and timing I am assured of the lines fallen to me in pleasant places, and my arriving at my destiny, in Jesus’ Name I have prayed, Amen.


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